Booming population growth, what affects it?

@Fulltank (2882)
November 6, 2009 6:15pm CST
My idea of it is due to economy of a country. Poorer countries tend to have a bigger population compared to a rich one. It simply means that the more money you have, the better the education, the better the jobs, the better your financial aspects of life. Therefore the better your population control is. How about you, what do you think are the factors that affects population growth?
2 responses
• India
7 Nov 09
Totally agree with you. I think one of the major reason for population growth would be lack of education and poverty. Poor people, don't consider having a boy child, will increase their total family income by sending the boy for work. Which also is a reason for increasing child labour. I think India is facing such situations even now, but still its more controlled now.
• India
7 Nov 09
Oops sorry there is some mistakes in my previous post, its 'Poor people considers having a boy...' and not 'Poor people don't consider..'
• India
20 Nov 09
actually it totally depends upon the education of the society. a well educated society will understand the needs of big population and care itself. another fact is that it should also not related with religion because certain people say that some religion allow them to grow population which is not good