Need advice..

United States
November 14, 2006 1:15pm CST
Okay so I have been with my guy for over a year now and he hasn't worked since June. I have a full time job but i don't make enough to support me, him, and baby. We never have food in the house, the rent is always late. He is trying to get a job but no one is calling and he won't call these jobs to see what's up. So I am applying for food stamps, medical assistance and child care. They need his info like drivers license, ss# and birth certificate which he doesn't see why they need this stuff. Also he smokes pot and it comes out of my money. I smoke too every now and then but the point is when we are this down in the hole so to speak why is it okay for us to spend what very little money we have to survive on drugs? He has stated that he won't stop doing it which is fine with me, but all the more reason you need to get a job. I am a family person and I believe that we need to stick it out but I just can't take anymore. What should I do??
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2 responses
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
14 Nov 06
You need to relize that you want him not need him! You are doing it yourself barley but doing it. If he doesn't live with you then you will be able to get welfare with out needing his info. He needs to understand that if you do go on welfare and hes the dad they are going to go after him for child support even if you don't ask them to.
14 Nov 06
As you are aksing us to tell you what to do, don't hate the answers. If you were in my family I would stop the pot smoking, period. Apart from being illegal, it costs money you don't have and it can't be good for the baby. Getting a job has alot to do with attitude. While I respect your man's desire to keep his drivers license, ss# and birth certificate to himself, it is his only real identity. He would have to give this to an employer, so what is the problem? This attitude is not welcomed by employers, which could explain the problem he is having. Skilled interviewers smell attitude like you smell pot smoke.