Will you go crazy shopping when there's an anniversary celebration of some f

@LisaGuo (241)
November 14, 2009 2:09am CST
There's an anniversary celebration of a famous shopping mall in this city.They promised to give a very big discount for all stuffs in there.The colleagues are discussing about the things they'll buy tomorrow.Me too:)It's a kind of crazy shopping. When you know this news,will you go for a crazy shopping?
2 responses
@carmelbg (519)
14 Nov 09
If one of my favourite stores was having a sale and there would be big discounts I would probably go mad and buy lots of things. I love shopping anyway so I don't need an excuse!If it was a store I didn't use I would not shop there just because of a sale.
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
14 Nov 09
I dont spend impulsively. When there's a sale, I don't normally go. I only go if I really am in the mood. Even when I go to sales, I don't tend to splurge unless I really need to buy the item.