Thirty response for short post ? Read this !

@syndrix (475)
December 5, 2009 4:29pm CST
Hi Mylotters! This morning I came across this post reading about this topics people really matters that others can generate thirty(30) response/comment in a short post/topic in one(1) day? Believe it or not this is true and absolutely possible. If you happen to search here in mylot similar topics I know you can find more like this topic that I have read. This idea is not new to everybody "on how to make these things work" in generating thirty(30) response in a short post. This have been practiced since the birth of PTCs so if you want to liken others to have thirty(30) response in a short post you can also do it, i am sure about it. So far I am still thinking if I will be doing it also. That is nice idea, will myLot admin terminate/suspended mylotter account if they knew that there is tricks about this post "on how to generate thirty(30) response in a short post"?
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3 responses
• Malaysia
6 Dec 09
I think you have totally misunderstood the whole point of that particular discussion. It meant 30 discussions created by a particular user at one time and NOT 30 responses in a short post. MOST of the discussions created were a single liner, which often times there are nothing to be discussed. Other members are getting fed-up and not 'jealous' as you stated it, with this kind of non quality discussions flooding their discussions box, and also what's the purpose of starting the discussions if the original poster never comment back on the responses received? They won't even earn a cent from the responses they receive. They will only earn when they comment back on those responses, but that also depends on what they type whether have quality or not.
@syndrix (475)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 09
Yes I partly misunderstood because the other discussion I have read is about thirty(30) respondent in one topic and the other is thirty(30) short post in one day with no response by the poster which lead to other members to be fed-up reading it. About thirty(30) response/comment in one topic we myLotter members should not feel jealous about it. If we want also more response to our post then we have to do our part, post a good quality interesting informative topic/discussion that may help others or liken to response in the post. As we all know everybody has the ability to do this. In contrast, to thirty(30) short post by the poster with no response at all that may lead to lose one's earning then I think it is the duty of the Admin to determined if this poster is a flooder or just gaming on his topics. So, I think I shouldn't anymore comment to these poster if I knew that he/she won't response back to his/her posted.
• Latvia
6 Dec 09
whats the point of it? you don't get paid for getting responses on your discussion!
@syndrix (475)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 09
yes, most likely if your response to any topic or discussion with "yes or no" you won't get any credit/earning. For more information you can read the guidelines/TOS about this rule. That's why even you are the poster the responder/commenter can credit more than you due to short or less sentence and quality that you can contribute to the discussion.
@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
6 Dec 09
The discussion you refer to isn't about responding to a short discussion - it's about the posting by one person of 30 (or so) discussions of a very short topic that a single word answer will suffice. And THEN that discussion starter not commenting on the responses left. Discussions are not to be yes or no type questions. They are supposed to generate discussion. You don't get paid for the responses (although it helps), but for YOUR participation. The myLot TOS state that discussions cannot be polls or questions that generate single word responses and that you are expected to participate in the discussions. I'll admit I haven't done so well at that this last year (the commenting on the responses I received), but I know that's how it is supposed to work. I also know that my income dropped when I stopped being an active participant. You MUST contribute MORE than simply a question at the top of the page. The short posts are the problem followed by the lack of commentary on the responses. Quantity counts less than quality here.