Has lagoon sites gone scam??

United States
January 2, 2010 5:46pm CST
Hey whats up peoples I am a member of cashlagoon and anotherfree and the ptc doesnt credit anymore! This is only recent and at first they started taking around 5 or 10 minutes to credit and then they stopped crediting all togeather. Has anyone else here has this experience with these sites and do you know how to get the clicks credited or has the site just gone completly scam?
2 responses
• Italy
3 Jan 10
oh yes an other nice site that suddenly turn into a big scam
• Australia
3 Jan 10
Yea, they have turned Scame. There is a ulternitive. Just use this site new site www.z-a-o-n.co.cc (Its a re-direct the actual site you will be surprised at)