After all that Jay Leno is taking back the TONIGHT SHOW throne!

@dloveli (4366)
United States
January 21, 2010 7:46am CST
I just heard the news. FOr those of you not from the United States I will briefy summarize. At 11:35 for almost 50 years we have had a television show called the TONIGHT SHOW. The first host was the great Johnny Carson. It was a major success. When Johnny Carson retired, Another comedienne Jay Leno took over. He was a natural.Imagine everyone's surprise when it was announced that he would be leaving. I dont think anyone understood the motives there. anyways 7 months ago Jay Leno left and another comedienne by the name of Conan Obrien stepped in. Conan Obrien's comedy is the type where its only funny once. Its the stupid humor. Such as farting or facial expressions.Not like Leno who could say Hello and it was funny. The change took place and it just wasnt the same. THe ratings plummeted. Just as I knew it would eventually happen It was announced today that Conan Obrien was leaving as of Friday. The network was paying him $45 million to leave early. Thirty three million for Conan and the rest in severance for his staff. Guess who is taking over? JAY LENO! How good he must feel that the show literally cant go on without him? Imagine that feeling. I feel so bad for Conan Obrien. That's got to be quite heart breaking. dl
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8 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
22 Jan 10
I love it that JAy is coming back!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Jan 10
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Me too Lakota! Me too... I thought Jay made the tonight show his... Welcome back Mr. Leno!! dl
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
21 Jan 10
I think the NBC executives are a bunch of idiots. Why they thought the change was going to be a good one was just stupidity. Why would they change a good thing to begin with. It did not make a bit of sense and they have caused such uproar for the staff and their families. It is just not right to do this to so many people. I wonder how these NBC executives sleep at night.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
21 Jan 10
Couldnt agree more Lelin! The whole thing was one big waste of time. I feel the exact same way you do. It basically was done for nothing more than to lose ratings and money. You cant tell me noone could see that it was a big mistake. NBC cant be that stupid. I think they did it because Jay wanted to see if he could do primetime. I think that he didnt succeed because people are usually getting themselves or their children ready for bed. Gettin finished with any work they had. Its like a routine, Kids to bed, shower,News then Leno. when he came on early people didnt have the time to watch cause they were doing other things. It messed up everyones nightly routine. Anyways Conans walking a way with a great deal of money so Im sure he's not that upset that he just got $33 million not to work. If only someone would do that to me. lol Happy MyLotting my friend dl
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
21 Jan 10
I have to clarify something The executives approached Jay Leno about 5 years ago with this idea. Jay's reply was why would you want to do that when I'm number 1. If I become number 2 ok. They said no to Jay and said they were still going to do this in 5 years. So it really had nothing to do with Jay wanting this at all it was all the NBC Executives. He made this statement on his show a few days ago.
• United States
21 Jan 10
Sorry to have to correct you but Jack Paar was the first single host from 1957 to 1962 when he retired and Johnny Carson took over. I too feel sorry for Conan O'Brien but at least he is leaving with a nice chunk of change! I must admit I never watched O'Brien as I do not care for his type of humor whereas I think Leno is hilarious and IMO funnier than Letterman.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
21 Jan 10
Please Whiteheather dont apologize. I appreciate the correction. All I remember is as far back as Johnny so I thank you. I feel bad for Conan too. However, i'm with you his comedy isnt for everyone. He isnt always funny. Whereas Jay Leno just has a natural comedic ability. If you watch Conan as I have said before, he spends most of the time dumping on himself or doing that weird thing he does about the front of his hair. Always shaking it until he is redfaced to show how much hairspray they've used. Stupid. Jay Leno is the one who belongs there. SORRY CONAN. Thanks again for correcting me. dl
• United States
21 Jan 10
Thank YOU for being so nice about it as some people have a hissy fit if you try to correct them.
• United States
21 Jan 10
Thanks for summing it up. I have heard about this in tidbits but not the whole deal. Yeah Conan has gotten quite tiresome. Leno is ok, I just watch his monologe from time to time. Was there any mention as to what Conan will be doing now that he's gotten the "boot" sortaspeak? His old show? Or ????? Personally I like Jimmy Kimmel the best.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
21 Jan 10
Im glad I could help 3snuggle! They didnt mention anything about what Conan would be doing next. They did say we would hear more from Conan. Conan has a lot of behind the scenes success as well. Besides they said that NBC gave him $45 million dollar buy out. Thirty three million for him and the rest was severance for his staff. I thought that was way cool. He can do nothing if he wanted to. As for Jimmy Kimmel, I will say this, he is funnier than Conan. dl
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
21 Jan 10
Thank you so much for the best response nod.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
21 Jan 10
You are very welcome my friend! You deserved it! I feel as if I was saying it. I know exactly how you felt. To me it was a big waste of time. dl Ps. Was is NOD? lol
• United States
23 Jan 10
Poor conon
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
24 Jan 10
I do feel bad for Conan too. The fact that he has been offered money to leave. Also the fact that the old host is coming back to revive the bad ratings that Conan has brought about. It does seem sad. He also has to leave all his jokes, material, and characters he created behind. On the positive they are paying him $33 million just for himself and $12 million for his staff for severance. It was nice of Conan to think for his staff as well in this trying time for him. I have a feeling he bounce back. Before he did any type of on the air stuff he did alot of behind the scene stuff such as the Simpsons and Saturday Night Live. He will find his place in the world of comedy I am sure. If not he can live quite comfortably while figuring out his next move. dl
• United States
21 Jan 10
NBC is famous for playing games with their late night hosts. letterman was originally up for carson's spot and they passed him right over. granted he already had a show,but.. i wouldn't doubt if a lot of it was a massive PR stunt to draw attention to the talk shows,honestly.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
21 Jan 10
It's just my opinion but what were they thinking when they thought the comedic stylings of Conan Obrien could top Jay Leno. Conan Obrien isnt that funny. If you watch him he spends half the time making fun of himself to get laughs. All his bits are acting. Jay Leno is just naturally funny. Im sorry Jay Leno is the only one who can fill Johnny Carsons seat. The reason I think it didnt work in prime time was that people are usually getting ready for bed. Putting the kids to bed. Finishing up their work so that they'll be ready to watch Leno after the news. Who knows it could be for publicity. I dont think so though. According to the article Leno had 7 million viewers. When Conan took over he only had 2 million. They lost some money. That's no publicity stunt. dl
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
22 Jan 10
I have heard of this show and these hosts of the show, but I am confused. You say that this show starts at 11.35pm? Who on earth would stay up each night to watch that? Not me! Is it on every night or just once per week? I like what I have seen of Jay Leno because he is a motorbike fan just like me!