Love when lights are on or off ?

@aweins (4199)
February 5, 2010 4:29am CST
Do you enjoy making love when lights are on or when they are off ? every one must be having their own reasons for it but i think enjoying when lights are on or a little dim also , is more exciting than when its all dark and you dont even know that you ar kissing the nose or lips, lol. i love some light, i think i tmakes up the mood and gives a sexy feel also especially when the light is coloured and dim. what ya say ?
3 responses
• India
5 Feb 10
Hmm..I think I enjoy it more when the lights are on. This way we can see the person you are with and make it more interesting accordingly :) Coloured dim light adds a seductive feel and might turn you on even more making it lot more sensuous.
• China
5 Feb 10
We like the lights on,and make a little dim sometimes.
• United States
5 Feb 10
It just depends on the mood. Sometimes the lights are on, sometimes off, and sometimes their are candles burning. It is all someones personal preference on what they enjoy and what they don't as well.