End of the world is Getting swallowede by the SUN

@Boyetski (986)
February 12, 2010 7:57pm CST
Do you guys believe our wolrd will son be consumed by our SUN? The fact that every planet has it's gravitational pull the SUN also have this kind of force to pull us in CLOSER and closer every year. I believe of this but is there any facts or even a writing regarding this that has been accepted by science, astronomers, layman. All I have seen and red about is all maybe.
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4 responses
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
13 Feb 10
Well, it is true that one day the Earth will get swallowed by the sun, but not from the reasons you describe. The gravitational pull from the sun doesn't bring us any closer to it and we will pretty much be in the same orbital path unless something passes by us and messes up our planet's orbit. One day, the sun will start to die and when it does it might turn into a red giant. Basically, the sun will keep expanding until it touches Earth. There hasn't been any proof that the sun's gravity will pull us in closer every year.
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@Boyetski (986)
• Philippines
13 Feb 10
I see so that's how the sun will eventually reach us. So those movies have a good idea on what they are doing... (2012) for example.
@benny128 (3615)
16 Apr 10
well we are on a stable orbit we are not being dragged towards the sun, the sun in a few trillion years will burn itself out and thats the end of the world as we know it, but the world will continue just the life forms on the earth will change from what we know know to something that can survive without any plant and warmth.
@Boyetski (986)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
Well maybe you are right. I wonder what will be the future evolution of man that can survive no warmth, plants or even oxygen? I think it would be quite awesome. Maybe they will be made up of hardcore type of skin and breaths nitrogen or helium. What would life be I wonder. Maybe thats the only thing cool when your immortal.
@benny128 (3615)
20 Apr 10
well we won't be here by that time, we will be erradicated by nature just like the dinosaurs and some other life form will become the main animal or bacteria that lives on the earth. We are only looking after the earth untill the next phase happens
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 Feb 11
Yes...this one is actually sort of true. But we are not really being pulled closer, our orbital speed keeps us very nicely where we are. However, starting in about a billion years from now, our sun will have exhausted it's fuel and begin burning out. Once fusion with in the sun stops, gravity takes over and will cause the core to collapse. As this happens, the outer layers will begin to expand in to what is called the "red giant" phase. It will expand out, likely as far as earths orbit (though the exact size it will reach is in debate) and eventually shed it's material until it collapses in to a white hot cinder. known as a "white dwarf) Life on earth will no longer be possible well before this however, likely in about 6 to 7 hundred million years or so, our oceans will have boiled away from the intensifying heat of our aging sun. I imagine by then....if humans are still here....we will have moved off the planet to another one, buying us a few hundred million years more.
@Pattitude (1287)
• Newton, North Carolina
8 Nov 15
It is frightening to think about. There was an episode on The Twilight Zone, it was a good episode and of the first I remember seeing about the few people that were left and they were just 'burning up' and so thirsty!