No more tasks?

February 13, 2010 12:56am CST
..Hi fellows.. I always try to see the mylot tasks but it seems nobody is already posting any task.. Any reason? thanks.
4 responses
@benny128 (3615)
13 Feb 10
well personally am glad that the tasks have been cleaned up as most of the tasks were for like 10 cents total waste of time for such a small amount. Plus most of the people that posted on the task section were abusing them and going againist the terms and conditions which stated no referral tasks and 99% of them were exactly that so again its a case of the minority spoiling it for the majority but hopefully sharon bucks will start the writing ones as least you get a few dollars for those as opposed to the waste of time 10 cent ones.
• Indonesia
13 Feb 10
yes, I need task like as sharon bucks and hot legs task, that are make articles task. That task are very good for help give more earning to me, because one task earn about 2$ ~ 4$ if approved
• United States
13 Feb 10
You just can't give up and need to keep checking for tasks to become available. They can be there one minute and gone the next or vice versa. Good luck on getting a task but remember just not to give up and keep looking for them to become available.
• Philippines
13 Feb 10
Hello rayne, It seems that this new mylot has also erased some of the task that have violated the rules of mylot. ihave seen similar kinds like the one with neobux or other task that tells on referring other people to other sites. which is not good. am pretty sure those who are earning big will realy get upset about it and will not try the task again.