how would you react if you find a woman flirting with your man on facebook?

March 11, 2010 5:51am CST
facebook.. the many ways to meet friends,long lost lovers, new acquaintances, endless possibilities.. it is a social networking site..that's a known fact. but when things gets cheesy, where do you draw a line? should i be jealous of the many flirting women on his FB list? and should we share or not share contact friends? what i don't know won't hurt me. so, is it best to keep that pandora's box locked or should i tell him?
4 responses
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
if i saw it in facebook then of course i will confront my bf first and want to know whose that girl with those flirting words, if he doesnt know him then i will also post a message their pertaining to the girl to stop coz she just look cheap doing that. i dont care what other people say as i have the right to do that coz im the gf or wife.
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• Philippines
12 Mar 10
she does look cheap seeing from her profile & photos, that's why i reacted differently. what i did was to block the girl and changed his fb settings. if he finds out or tries to unblock the girl, then i would know he is keeping online contact and may be liking the flirting he gets. i tried searching the girl to post a message but cant find her. checking his wall now, notifications and messages dont get posted since i blocked the girl. haven't got the chance to talk about it though.
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
if women are flirting on his FB, i won't mind. if he's flirting back with the women, then i would be pissed off. i will be mad at him and i'll show those women how mad i am. lol.
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
well i am starting to get pissed alright.and how would you show those women how mad you are, if you're not sharing FB contacts/mutual friends? let me know. i've been wrecking my brain on how to get my rage in a more productive way, but it seems to be getting the good out of me, since i found out.i trust my man, but i dont trust those flirting women.
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
wait wait wait, is your man flirting back? you said you trust your man so I think there's no problem. And what do you mean you don't trust those flirting women? Do you ever think they can get your man? If you think like that, it might mean you're insecure. Just warn those women and say "hey! this man is mine, okay? so back off b******!!" something like that. and I think that's enough. Be confident that your man is just yours and feel how beautiful you are sister! =D
• Philippines
13 Mar 10
insecure..i dont think so..don't have any reason to be cuz i am much prettier than all of them. like a lioness i guard my domain. yeah, that's a good idea to tell all them flirting women.."go away..he's mine" but of course it's easier to let go if he's flirting back at them and it's not my loss.
@donna22 (1116)
11 Mar 10
I suppose it would depend on what he is saying back to them. Does he have on his profile that he is in a relationship? Are there photos of you and him on there? If so, then obviously these women should no better but then so should he. Like I said though, he depnds on what he is saying to them. Sre these women who he knows in "real life". It is best to keep facebook friends to people who you actually know.
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
now that you asked, i think i need to check his status. and maybe it would be best to add him as FB contact now. no sense giving each other space and privacy on fb. we didnt share contacts, we 're not even friends. crazy now that this has come up.
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
I'm very familiar with this topic and can relate to it. I've been in this kind of situation before. Not in facebook, but in friendster, it was way popular back then. There are really some flirty girls who doesn't care even if the status of the guy shouts: in a relationship, or even married. I am really irritated with those kind of women who shamelessly flirts with an attached man. But I would be mostly concern about how my guy would react to them. Will he reply back with equally cheesy response? or would just simply ignore it coz it's not worth his time? If he chooses the first option, which is to flirt back, then I would violently react to that. I had caught several flirty responses of my bf to this girl and it got me stark raving mad. We fought about it a lot and I got so paranoid and often check his accounts to see if he's still doing it. I only hurt myself in the process. I agree with what you said, what you don't know won't hurt you. after a while, I got tired of checking him, and decide best if I will just trust him. It worked best for us. Now with the popularity of facebook, he decided not to have an account there, and I am happy with his decision. That way, I wouldn't have to jump into conclusions and doubt him. As for you, maybe you should tell him you are uncomfortable if he's been flirting with girls. It's best to have an honest opinion about what you like and don't like. Keeping your feelings to yourself is not healthy. You'll just be hurt in the process. so speak up.
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
i've been toying with the nicest way to say it..ha! women can sometimes blurt things, and i want to be very cautious of my actions and words. honestly it was an accident that i happen to browse his fb (account settings on computer was set to *remember when logging in..or something)-- would that make me a nosy person? i dont think so. maybe it was heavens' way of showing me to deal with it, as early as now. draw a line between what is and is not acceptable on social network acquaintances. i trust my man.i am trying to keep him away from temptations, cuz you never know how other women would lure him into "naughty" things offline. how he responded, i dont have any idea. and i dont want to know. it's enough for me to find some flirting women on his FB list/ notifications /inbox. healthy or not, this could be our first confrontation.and i'm sure i will need 1000000x patience handling this.