Have you ever win a lottery?

@kialele (126)
United States
March 12, 2010 6:03pm CST
How often do you buy lottery? Ever win any price? I usually buy several every YEAR, but never win
3 responses
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
15 Mar 10
i guess it was for two years that i buy lotto tickets almost everyday. but i never won. i stopped buying lotto tickets, i just makes me poorer.
• United States
13 Mar 10
i have never won the lottery or anything like that. i rarely ever win any prizes. it is hard for me to make real money. i dont really have any luck with earning.
@fattymc (140)
13 Mar 10
I've won a couple of times but nothing major. The best I've ever gotten was 10 dollars if that counts for anything. It's nearly impossible to win the lottery. I think that lotteries should have less numbers so that we could win. But that wouldn't be any fun for the sellers now would it? Well there are lotteries with less numbers, but I don't enjoy those ones because they don't give any good rewards but it's more likely to win.