Diabetes - What Is diabetes mellitus

March 17, 2010 10:48pm CST
I was just reading this article today : "Diabetes mellitus has become one of the most devastating diseases in the industrialized world today. In the past 35 years diabetes melliyus has increased fold. Over 90% of all the cases are type 2 diabetes, which used to be called adult-onset diabetes. In the US alone there are over 16 million people who have diabetes. The amazing statistic is the fact that only half of end stage kidney diseases is due to diabetes. Four out of five diabetic patients will die from cardiovascular disease (heart attach, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease). It is the leading cause of amputations and one of the leading causes of blindness in our industry. This is in spite of the tremendous amounts of money that is spent trying to control the disease." Quite scary right?
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