the first to a person should learn

@jobmoone (442)
March 21, 2010 2:07am CST
I first learned how the world revolves around me, my family, friends, fellow ones, knowing how to live along while. But being responsible or worth living for my sole existence is hard to learn. It will take a long journey to define the meaning of one's life.
3 responses
1 Apr 10
The first thing should a person learned is how to love himself. By loving yourself first, you're making a good foundation to love others. It's just like a having a good fruit with a good tree.
• Brazil
21 Mar 10
the first thing that a person should learn is to live well with other person. Be a good people, but before that the person have to learn to walk and speak. :P
• United States
21 Mar 10
God should be first, then family,then family of believers and then unbelievers and then your self..may God bless you in your journey..