facebook fasting

@redphile (2264)
March 31, 2010 1:54am CST
i made it a point to avoid or never login to facebook during this season of lent. It is my sacrifice or what i have given up until the season ends. During the holy week, it is a tradition to fast and abstain from meat. They say not just food but also material things. Facebook is one of the things that i am addicted to so i decided to rest from using it. Anyone who have done the same? Or have you given up something for yourself?
6 responses
@ada8may21 (2405)
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
I admit that his lenten season I didn't observed anything nor given up something. Until now I am still eating the same food that I am eating. Well maybe I gonna fasting this friday but not sure yet because we maybe out of town on that day.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
we all have different beliefs so i think its better that if we sacrifice something, we should really put our hearts into it.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
31 Mar 10
That is an interesting choice! Most I know have given up meat. One person gave up her favorite daily tv shows. I think it is just a matter of individual choice.
@grkelly (1206)
• Malta
31 Mar 10
wow i think that is a graet idea for fasting sacrifice. i would not have managed to do it myself becasue i am veryaddicted to facebook. you did a good job, and a difficult one. i tried to not eat sweets for two times a week. it is not much of a sacrifice compared to yours1 ...happy easter
@lauralei (22)
• United States
31 Mar 10
I stopped playing the games on facebook right before thanksgiving and it was the best thing i did - i was planning my day around when my crops would be ready - and it was crazy - now i just log on once a day to network and see what my friends are up to - i prefer being on sites like this where you can at least make money
@marvz023 (189)
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
giving youself to the Lord on lenten season does not mean listening to what the curch says. but in yourself we all know we can't surrender ourselves to the Lord by using facebook. we have to abstain from earthly materials anc commit to the Lord by prayers, fasting and all.
31 Mar 10
I couldn't do it. My facebook is a place where I talk to a few of my oldest friends. We don't talk on it daily but my cellphone is set up to receive status updates and facebook is linked to my twitter so it is constantly being updated and updating me on what is going on with the people I care the most about.