Smoking is bad for your health....

@lady1993 (27225)
April 1, 2010 10:21pm CST
and i don't like people who smoke- even if how cute he is... really, smoking should be banned or something. smoking is so not cool, it just adds to peoples expenses- health expense and buying cigarettes. smoking makes your teeth yellow,makes your lungs dirty,makes you look sickly and thin and older than your real age.... so please people stop smoking.."peace"
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2 responses
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
4 Apr 10
I totally agree with you, little lady.Smoking is not only bad for your health but also for people around you and besides being an expensive habit it also pollutes the atmosphere. Youngsters start smoking just for fun or to show off to their friends how manly they are. However as the habit grows and sticks they find it difficult to shake it off when it is too late.Banning does not help, people have to be educated and must realise for themselves the harm they are doing to their bodies as well as to others.Moreove powerful vested interests are behind the smoking lobby since they make billions out of the industry.They care two hoots what happens to people as long as their pockets are filled.however governments are making efforts to curb smoking by introducing no smoking zones in public spaces so that people can be spared the bad effects.Only education can help in curbing this bad habit.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
3 Apr 10
smoking does not only harm the smokers but also the nonsmokers who are near them- they are also harmed "nalalanghap nila ang smoke"