If there was an Afterlife or Time Travel then,Why?...

@sirnose (2436)
United States
April 7, 2010 1:55pm CST
If there was a life after death or time travel then, why? no one ever try to reenter this present life from the so-called other side. Some say that there is an afterlife but the evidence of such an afterlife remains to be proven. If there was an afterlife someone would have come back and informed the rest of us of such a place. I know that there is always a chance that some day someone will find or prove that there is a way back to the past, present and future but as of today there is no such proof or fact about an afterlife or time travel to the past, present, or future only speculations.
1 response
• United States
7 Apr 10
If someone claims to be from the past and shows you items that are from the past would you believe them even though those past items can be obtained without the use of time travel? What will it take for someone to prove they are from the past or went to the past?
1 person likes this
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
7 Apr 10
The only way that I would believe they're from the future if they could give me some future events that would occur and the events actually came true. Then I might believe that one was a time traveler or someone who could see or predict the future. ...