Quantum Pendant: Is it really effective?

Quantum Pendant - The Quantum Pendant is enhanced with Scalar Energy by using Permanence-Scalar Energy Technology.
@zhelles (155)
April 14, 2010 4:29am CST
Yesterday, my mom got home and showed me this circular necklace. She said this can help our body to be balanced, boosts its immune system, strengthen us from the radiations brought about by the technologies around us including laptops or pc, cellphones, television and others and protects us from cancer caused by this radiations. I doubted it at first because for me, I have to see it before I believe it. My mom then told me to watch some sample testing of this Quantum Pendant on the net. So we did and after seeing this testing sample, like the balancing in one foot and holding your hands at the back while another person puts force on it, I told her that its better if we try it ourselves. It's kinda funny because we tried the hands at the back without wearing the pendant and my mom keeps arching backwards. But when my mom wore the Quantum pendant, my mom's body was stiff to the point that she was just standing there, no arching backs or anything. Even if we tried it, I'm still not convinced. But maybe if I see some improvements on my mom's health, then I might believe it. What about you? Have you heard about this Quantum Pendant? Were you able to try it yourself? Does it really keep our body, healthy and balanced? Or is this information new to you and would try it yourself if so? I would be happy to know your own opinions, stories or reactions about this. Thanks. :)
5 responses
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
If a certain person can explain us the science behind it, I can believe at least a bit for it. It really looks fishy on how the way the guys act. If they first tried pushing the arms first with the quantum pendant on, i think that they will flinch. But I heard of a certain bracelet that can help circulate our blood better and I believe half of it. Science says that our blood has metals or something like that that the magnet can manipulate but I haven't heard much of it lately :D
@zhelles (155)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
Hi rene12! :) Yes, I think if a certain person, like someone who works on it or maybe the real creator of the product will demonstrate and explain it, then I might believe it. hahaha. :) Well I guess its a bit too early to judge the product. But as a consumer, I just can't help to know everything about it whether it works or not. Right? :) I also found this information on the net that speaks of volcanic ash being present inside the pendant that contains 76 minerals fused together that produces the so called scalar energy which helps balance the electric field of our body. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)
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@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
Another thing that makes it fishy is, why are these infamous? right? If it is really true then it should be in the news, and also have studies about it than it really can cure . There are many things that this thing should prove.
14 Apr 10
I have never actually heard of a quantum pendant before, but things like this do fascinate me. I don't know if they work of not, but if it is just the placebo effect that helps people feel better then i have no problem with it at all. Anything that can make people feel well or better about themselves can only be a good thing right?
@zhelles (155)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
Hi Beautyfactor!:) I was also fascinated at first but I can't resist on asking if there is really such thing. But I'll agree with you that anything that makes people feel better are worth trusting for, I just hope it really works. Thanks for posting! :D
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• Thailand
7 May 12
Yes they do work. I go into more depth about this on my site http://www.scalarenergypendants.com I immediately give video proof using a scientific testing device to prove once and for all that the pendants (at least the ones I sell) do in fact emit negative ions. The muscle tests do have some truth to them and there is some fiction. The reason I say this is that there is much more to it and it isn't so much that the pendant immediately makes you stronger (although for some it can). More so it's displaying that the pendant is providing a benefit to the person. This is based off the principles of applied kineseology. I agree the muscle testing is over the top with the pendant and made the focal point when it should really focus more on what the pendant is doing itself. It assists against EMF devices because the negative ions emitted neutralize the overwhelming amount of positive ions that these devices emit. It goes back to grounding and the fact that we need to be connected to the earth, on a daily basis ideally. If we can't then the next best thing is to have a pendant which is in many ways compressed earth and allows your body to recharge naturally when it isn't possible to be constantly walking barefoot on the earth. My point being don't be overwhelmed by some of the marketing gimmicks out there. Realize that there are MLM companies looking to profit off of it. The unfortunate effect of all this is that it gives the pendant a bad name in some ways. However the pendant should not be judged based on those who market it but for what it can do itself. In my opinion most of those who sell them don't actually understand it but I can tell you after several years of studying it and using them that they do work and that anyone can truly benefit from them. With that said paying $100+ for just 1 is crazy!
• Thailand
7 May 12
Yes they do work. I go into more depth about this on my site http://www.scalarenergypendants.com I immediately give video proof using a scientific testing device to prove once and for all that the pendants (at least the ones I sell) do in fact emit negative ions. The muscle tests do have some truth to them and there is some fiction. The reason I say this is that there is much more to it and it isn't so much that the pendant immediately makes you stronger (although for some it can). More so it's displaying that the pendant is providing a benefit to the person. This is based off the principles of applied kineseology. I agree the muscle testing is over the top with the pendant and made the focal point when it should really focus more on what the pendant is doing itself. It assists against EMF devices because the negative ions emitted neutralize the overwhelming amount of positive ions that these devices emit. It goes back to grounding and the fact that we need to be connected to the earth, on a daily basis ideally. If we can't then the next best thing is to have a pendant which is in many ways compressed earth and allows your body to recharge naturally when it isn't possible to be constantly walking barefoot on the earth.
@nykalex88 (243)
• Philippines
11 Dec 12
Yes this product is very effective to me. It can really fight stress. It doesn't heal illness but can prevent diseases to attack your health. I am using my pendant for three year already and I really feel the advantage of having this. My unforgettable experience with this was when we took a 5-hour boat ride in the middle of the sea with the big waves plunging. When we got home, all my companions not eaten their dinner because they are really exhausted. But me, it seems that I am not with them. I played volleyball in the gym until 10:30 pm and have some talks with my friends after the game. That was not like before when I am not still wearing the pendant.