whats the most important for u in ur life?

April 25, 2010 10:02am CST
Nobody is perfect in this world.Even though some ppl already have all the things they wanted right now,problems still exist.Maybe not now,but later???who KNOWS!One problem goes away,the others come to them.Anyways PPL have different lives.To u,whats the most important? Money?Family?Power????or what??------based on ur life
4 responses
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
the most important to me is my FAMILY they are my life.
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
I think that the most important is the family because we can't do anything without the presence and the inspiration that the family gives. Family is the source of all the things that we can achieve like money, power and everything that are based in our life. I can say that family is very essential to our life.
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
Hi nathanhry! For me, Family of course is the most important in my life. Why ? Because without your family you are nothing but a very loner guy without social life and friends. Without family you cannot have money because family is the one who gave you the capability to earn money by sending you to schools and universities. Family is the one who gives you power, the one you can rely on when you have problems even financially or emotionally speaking. Family is the one who gives you strength when the times come that you want to give up with your problems. Family is the main root why we are having a good life and why we can survive in our problems and of course, God must be part of the family.
• India
25 Apr 10
I don't give importance to any particular;ar person or thing..for me everything is important and everything has a major role in my life. But my heart is still saying that family is the most important thing as i am here now because of my family . Friends are also very important to me . I must say that i have the best bunch of friends in the world. They help me every time when i am in trouble . I also consider money as important as it has various roles in life .