this is my voice

April 28, 2010 8:29pm CST
This is my voice, Sad, prolonged, fever pitched, With some intermittent turbulence In between a concentrated discourse But Still in a slow, smooth, sailing like A canoe on a very clear silent running river And Some rapids, and rocks somewhere, may distort, This voice Of mine, Or At the edge for which a waterfall rages, This Voice Of Mine, May sound like a violent fall of a hundred heavy waters, Not a drip, but a hundred heavy, heavy falling waters, As though the whole word is falling down On your Shoulder, This is my voice, sad, on a prolonged agony, But somehow, when tickled may move into A mystery, not discounting the possibility of An ecstasy, A fantasy, And you, my love, my beautiful reader, may hear this voice Speaking to you in a hush of silence, This is my voice; hear it for what it is, that is all that I ask of you, I am myself speaking. I am real, this voice of mine. Listen to me.
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