Selecting a right career.

May 1, 2010 6:57am CST
How would you select the career you want? It is evident by the rate unemployed individuals, it seems that they failed to achieve their chosen career, isn't it? Is it the reason why this people struggles to find a job or they messed up or they chose inappropriate career? If then, how would you choose your career? What is the first step? What is second step? The third? And next? is having a degree solve the unemployment issue? or just having a skill will be the answer? Maybe business?
3 responses
2 May 10
We should select the carreer which suited your attitude,personality and most of all you love it. Nowadays, some can't do this cause if we select and select what we like ,we don't have jobs. The good way is you should know we can practice though we never get through those kinds of job before.
• Philippines
2 May 10
Yapee! oanadee........ you're right! thanks
• Philippines
1 May 10
I just like to have a career in business and for me being the boss of your own company. You own the time and then you could set the limit of your work and let other people whom you hire work for you which is very fun to do when you are earning but it's feel like little work but gives enough satisfaction with less pressure. At the end of the days when old age is near those courses whatever it is would be discarded when one retired so to keep self busy it is good to engage in business. Skills for me is very important along sides with intelligent decision, wise moves and strategy know to move since if the degree would be the basis it would be nothing if one do not know to apply what he learn. I heard many success stories from rugs to richess, some become millionaire not even finishing highschool as they learn from the school of life than the learning methods used in schools. Having finished a course is just a title to be proud of but if not properly used it just remain a title so the more advantages are those adventurer seeker who find opportunity when other fail to see.
• Philippines
2 May 10
Nice neelian.... I also believe that we are not forever be an employee but having a business is much sustaining career..... shalom!
@juggerogre (1653)
• Philippines
1 May 10
Having a degree is not enough these days. You should also have the right skills, attitude and lots of patience. You should first ask yourself what would you like to do? Start seeking a job related to your answer to that question. If it is your first job don't find a work that will pay you high. Get experience first. The more experience you have the higher your pay will be. If you cannot find a job that fits what you like to do then find a job that fits your skill set. Have lots and lots and lots of patience. Don't lose hope just because employers turned you down. And of course always have faith in God :D
• Philippines
1 May 10
Cheers to that Jug especially your last sentence,,, have faith in God, TY