If Aliens are in our universe how will Nasa react?

Are there Aliens in space? - If there are Aliens in space how will Nasa's new plans be affected?
United States
May 1, 2010 12:43pm CST
If there are Aliens in our universe as Stephen Hawking predicts how will Nasa react? Will Nasa and the US government try to make first contact or will we play the isolation game? The plans for Nasa call for downsizing the government role and increasing the role of the private sector. How will this role be affected if there are other intelligent beings in the universe?
4 responses
• United States
13 Jul 10
the question on extra terrestrial existence is one that can not be accurately answered in this day and age. but i think it is short sighted to assume that of the billions of planet in the universe, only earth has life.
• United States
7 Jul 10
i do not think NASA will announce any information involved with alien existence. this is to curb panic. if at all there are aliens out there, the first time the human population will no about it will be when we see the aliens walking in the streets.
• India
9 May 10
Just as they react now! As if nothing had happened and nothing have been found! They don't want us to know anything! They don't want us to know their presence! I don't know why!
• Canada
1 May 10
If there is aliens in this universe not ours just like we dont own the planet eather. Then Nasa doesnt have anything that it can do. It would take almost 100 years to reach the end of our solar system let alone anywhere else in the this universe. Not is it only is impossible to reach them by travel there wouldnt be enough room in the ship for fuel and food. So there well be nothing done reach them and the same goes for them. light speed is possible but only to a certen extent.