Snatcher on the Loose

May 2, 2010 9:06pm CST
This incident happened last year on my way home. I’m sitting in front beside the driver of a jeep. Its rush hour, around past 6 in the evening. There were no seats available inside. I saw this guy in front eyeing inside the jeep. I thought he was just looking if there’s still available seat. But then, in a matter of seconds, while the jeep slowly moving, he went to the right window part side of the jeep. When I look in front of the mirror, I saw this girl holding her cell phone and texting. That’s where exactly the guy who happens to be a snatcher extended his hand inside and snatches the cell phone to the girl. She screamed. Everyone got her attention. I thought the snatcher got what he wanted but there’s this middle age guy beside the girl also snatch the cell phone to the snatcher! Then the snatcher runs. All the passengers suddenly all talked about what happened then in a split second the snatcher went back (I think he just circled two jeeps beside us) just to give his revenge to the middle age guy. I saw him smiling and he stab in full force using an ice pick. All the passengers in the right side run to the left side. The snatcher got what he wanted. Well, not totally… The middle age guy was stabbed in his left shoulder. The blood gushes continuously so he used a handkerchief as a tourniquet. The girl, what else could she do but to cry. Someone got hurt all because of her displaying her cell phone in public. So there are still a lot of snatchers on the loose…. How about you? Have you had any experiences that someone snatches your cell phone or any of your expensive things in public?
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5 responses
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
3 May 10
hi portisray, what you've experienced is such a horrifying one! how pity i am to the middle aged guy who got stabbed,maybe he'll have that wound his entire are the one who helped and then you got the revenge! ouch! sometimes it's really hard to be nice all the time! well,i've been a victim also back when i was in college there was a time that i when i do bring new backpacks,there's always an incident that someone will tore them with a blade without me noticing it! i once had stolen a wallet with 500 pesos on makes me feel sad that time cause i saved that money for a month,and as a student it's hard to save money! there's also an incident where i lost my cellphone.i knew i kept it in my bag but when i got up at the jeep,it was nowhere to be found! we really have to be alert always specially when we are outdoors where you can't identify who have a bad motive or what! i also have an experience riding at a jeep,i was just sitting near the entrance door and one old man sat in front of me while he's helping the child that was about to fall when the jeep moves,when it suddenly stops,that old man did get something from another passengers things! that was really shocking! come to think of it,a little while,he was helping and now he's been snatching! what the ----?! there are a lot of temptations,and lots of bad people around, beware,be alert at all times!
• Philippines
3 May 10
How can you be aware then if those snatchers has a new strategies... Hmmmmnn..maybe you are look rich because you keep on getting rob... mug... hehe... ANd yes, its really hard to be nice all the time... It is I think instinct for us to help but what do we get after that?
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
3 May 10
no,i don't look rich and sometimes if i'm already wasted even poor people always ask me for money!maybe i should try taking karate/taekwondo lessons... sometimes it's really hard to be nice cause your life is at stake! i don't know why there are so many people who are getting bad motives it because of envy,have no job that's why they do more of robbing other people! when can we liove peacefully without people like them?
• Philippines
3 May 10
i haven't had the same experience but i've been mistaken as a snatcher. lol. i'm in an fx with 3 other guys i don't know. one was seated in front, two in the middle, and i'm the only one at the back. then there's this young girls student who called the fx. when she was coming in the middle seat, the guy went out and let her in so she would sit between them in the middle seat. take note that these guys at the middle do not know each other. now, the girl looked like she was suspicious then. i was watching her cuz she was cute. lol. she was glancing at the guy in front suspiciously. then she looked at the guy at her left and saw him looking at her. then she looked at the guy at her right and caught him doing the same. then she took a glance at the back and she saw me looking at her with my hand inside my pocket. i was doing that cuz i got a lot of coins and they might fall. then, the girl called to stop the fx after just a few meters then she went out hurriedly. damn.. hehe..
• Philippines
3 May 10
Haha! Maybe you really looked like a snatcher! You know, sometimes it is wrong to stare to people. And what did you get from her? Nothing! You were mistaken as a snatcher too... That's what you get when you let your eyes stare....
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
3 May 10
@frontvisions,maybe you look like more of a maniac to her,i offense! as for me,i found guys who look at a girl while holding his pocket might be a maniac! don't be angry at me,it's just my opinion!but be careful to look sometimes at girls you would seem to be a bad person to them by the way you look/stare at them!
• Philippines
3 May 10
I was tired so i didn't know how she perceived it. I only did when i got back home. I was thinking she reacted weird. Haha! portisray, if i look like a snatcher, what does that make you? hahaha! i was actually wearing casual that night so im sure i didnt look anything you, annavi, had described.
• Philippines
14 May 10
I have seen snatcher snatching someone else things many times. When I was in college I was studying in Far Eastern. Sampaloc and near in AVenida, there are lot of cases of snatching and hold-ups. I was a victim of hold-ups for many times when I was studying that is why I don't bring lots of money (anyway i don't have lots of money way back in college ). It was very tragic whenever there is a victim of this. I almost think that all of the people everywhere were all bad because of that incident. I learned many times from that. I do not use my cellphone in public because you don't know where it will happen. Eventhough you take care of your belongings what if it will be forced to be snatched on you?. Did the middle age man survived?
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
3 May 10
People really are afraid of these snatchers. People should stand up to them. At least require police to ride on the jeeps.
• Philippines
3 May 10
Ha? redhotpogo I think it is not possible requiring police to ride on every jeep here! And if there were no police visibility, we citizens can't stand up to snatchers or robbers... We don't have any weapon to defend our self...
• India
3 May 10
Snatchers are all the time prowling streets of the town, railway stations, trains and buses. One should be careful of his things. You should not flash your expensive items, like mobile phones, gold ornaments, etc., because then you would be tempting them to rob you. Always remember they are armed too. If a snatcher is out to rob you then it is better to lose your item than to lose your life.