are you still give a response to the discussion ?

@ifa225 (14369)
May 12, 2010 6:47am CST
let say (this is not happen to me), a friend banned you from his/her friends list. you don't know why because she/he does not give you an explanation. the he/she started a discussion, great great discussion. will you response or you just leave it?
4 responses
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
12 May 10
I wouldnt respond to it----whatever might be their reason behind deleting me from their list but i dont like to make a response in their post.Once they remove me of their list and thats it between us---he being a good friend of mine is always an exception
@ifa225 (14369)
• Indonesia
13 May 10
what if the reason he is being in love with you and doesn't want it to be last?so he removes you to avoid the feelings grow you are not only make the girls fall in love with you but also the boys
@ifa225 (14369)
• Indonesia
13 May 10
well you just stated with 'he' make me misunderstood---maybe that is because i have dirty minded frame about you
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
13 May 10
Actually that was supposed to be for both He/She --- i dont think boys are crazy about me in here and above all i'm not a gay(auck)-----so i'm be really comfortable to be loved by girls Coming to their feelings---i see that i do not hurt anyone badly
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
13 May 10
i will still respond to his discussion as long as i can relate to it. i actually do respond to any others discussions, even when they are not in my list.
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
13 May 10
what do you mean by "don't involve some emotion"? i cannot post and boost my earnings if i feel nothing.
@ifa225 (14369)
• Indonesia
13 May 10
that is a nice way to boost your earning, i guess you don't involve some emotion while you are active in here
@akuler (3531)
• Malaysia
12 May 10
Hi ifa, I did not know if we could ban anyone from our friend list. What I knew is we can delete someone from our friend list and/or did not accept any friend request from them. If I were rejected or deleted by someone, I would still give my response to his or her discussion if his or her discussion is interested for me. I also do not know if anyone has deleted me from their friend list or rejected my friend request because I usually did not pay an attention for it. For me, the most important thing to involve in the discussion is the discussion topic. If it is interesting enough I would give my response, no matter who is started that discussion. We might has a different ideas or opinion about something but it should not stop us from discuss any good topic.
@ifa225 (14369)
• Indonesia
12 May 10
i absolutely agree with you, the topic is the first ting i consider to make a response. i used to turn on my friends notification, when i don't get it for some long time i usually try to find it why. just go to the profile and you will see it.
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@akuler (3531)
• Malaysia
13 May 10
Unless I always communicate with those friends, I rarely check on others discussion. I would went to "new" tab first before I went to "friends started" tab to look for a discussion. I did not on the notification for all my friends because I did not want my e-mail full with mylot notification especially from those who always started a lot of new discussion but never care about it. Thanks for the BR. I really appreciate it.
• Philippines
12 May 10
I will be wondering why, there must be some reason. I don't think that will happen here as long as you have been civil to them with your respond to a certain discussion, that is impossible to happen. We are different people here from different culture. As you can read, different people has different point of views and we have to respect that. Do a respond to a discussion will still go on as long as you have something to share, express it right here.
@ifa225 (14369)
• Indonesia
12 May 10
i tend to response whenever i see a good discussion. i don't look for who was started, but what is the discussion. you are right that is not happening to me since i am civil to everyone...