Personality Determinants

May 13, 2010 2:55am CST
Hello mylotters i have an assignment and i want to know about which of the three choices u think the best personality determinants 1.) Heredity 2.) Environment 3.) Situation and why?
5 responses
@sheanne (440)
• Philippines
13 May 10
Hello eira, it's the heredity that will determine the person's personality. Environment, situations just play a part of a person's personality.
@sheanne (440)
• Philippines
13 May 10
To elaborate further, genetically we are 50-50 percent personality from our parents. So basically we inherited 50% from our mother and 50% from our father. Haven't you notice that we sometimes act, behave just like our parents? In psychiatric nursing, when you're studying up a person who is mentally ill, you will notice that it's person's family history is always the first one to look for, cause it's genetically inherited. Environment and situations just play a part of our personality, for example while growing up in a very chaotic environment you tend to adapt the people's way of upbringing around. Hope this will help you, if you want more explanation I could tell you more about it.
• Philippines
13 May 10
thanks for help sheanne but i have to defend the Environmental factor coz were goin to have a debate tomorrow, but i've learned something from you.. thanks again!
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
13 May 10
i think environment. i had the same assignment when i was still studying :) i believe that environment is the strongest personality determinant. i do believe that heredity is a factor although i think environment is stronger. for example, a baby is born with parents who are criminals, it does not necessarily follow that when the baby grows up, he'll become one too, just because his parents are. if he would grow up with his parents, and his parents would raise him with the same values that they have, then he probably would end up like them. but say, the baby gets adopted by a different family. he still have the same genes, but he could be raised in a different way. he could be entirely different from his parents, based on how his new parents would raise him. regarding situation, well, we didn't have this one on my assignment but i think a person reacts on a situation based on how he is and what his personality is. and on this, i think environment plays a role too, due to the reasons i said earlier.
• Philippines
13 May 10
hello allamgirl, thanks for a very nice response and i agree with you.. happy mylotting!
@Andyvil (793)
• Philippines
13 May 10
I would have to say environment is the biggest factor on a persons personality. No matter how good the parents or families personality, the people surrounding that person will still have a major impact on a person. How the person perceives his surrounding will always affect a persons personality. A person living in a dangerous environment will always be more careful and distrustful to the people around him compared to a person living in a more secure and friendly environment.
• Philippines
13 May 10
thank you Andyvil, a nice response from you.. happy mylotting!
@zralte (4178)
• India
13 May 10
I am not really sure what you mean by Environment and Situation. To me, both are interconnected and as far as importance in personality determinants, all three are equally important. If pushed, I would probably say both environment and situation. When you are born, you are born innocent. Everything is learnt from what we see and hear.
• Philippines
13 May 10
thanks for the response zralte..^_^ at least i have more explanations to say for the debate tomorrow hehehe.
@vidhi169 (108)
• India
2 Nov 11
According to me the best personality determinants is Environment because environment directly affect your behavior. I am sharing a link which conduct different courses on personality development. I hope this will helpful for you.