The Business Of Being in A Band - Part 1

May 15, 2010 10:07am CST
well, well, well I guess I'll start posting what is going to be a regular feature on AcidRadio's blog here It's called: "Your band." This feature is actually for kids who are either starting a band or are in a band. It can also cater to more mature musicians. It's a lofty ambition but hey... I gotta start teaching right? Let's just hope I'm ot too scatter brained for this So you wanna start a band? Hmmm You got the basic skills, some willing friends and an idea. That's actually enough to start your long journey towards being in the music business. What some guys fail to do is have a common goal. It can be getting girls or getting drunk but that type of goal usually dies in the long run. Try to get your band together and think of what would really make you guys stick together in the long run. Is it frienship? Music? Family? It can be a lot of reasons but you have to think as a group however corny that may sound. So some basic steps for now 1. Talk about interests and find a common goal 2. Set a rigid practice session every week and no one is allowed to be late or absent 3. Search for gigs - nothing compares to the real thing - you may suck now but as time goes on you'll realize that sucking only lasts a couple of seconds (unless it's recorded on video hahah) Remember: find the common goal That's all for now
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