What people usually blogging about?

United States
June 9, 2010 3:02pm CST
I was wondering what people blogging about all the time. About their daily life, and the weird stuff they encountered from day to day activities? Or would they blog about their opinion toward certain subject? What are the more interesting topics to you? It is not a survey, I was just curious. I read some blogs, they were just trivial and non - interest to me. While people say they got over 1,000 of visitors per day, so I think it gotta be a interest blog. Currently I am blank without anything to write about in a blog.
1 response
@wrangel15 (1443)
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
People blog about the things interesting to them and I believe successful bloggers, the ones having thousands of visitors per day, are the ones which blog about their interests that also drives other's interests. I will never read a blog that is not interesting for me. Right now I just blog about the pictures I take and I hope other people will find interest on it. Try my site http://mikepua.blogspot.com and you may tell me if you find interest on it.