Is limewire still safe to use?

United States
June 20, 2010 1:17pm CST
I remember I used to use a lot of P2P programs back in the day. I remember when Napster came out when I was a freshman in college but then it got shut down and a few others took its place, like Songspy, Morpheus, and Kazaa, and WinMX. It seems like most of that stuff is down now. I don't want to spend the money to use newsgroups. So is limewire decent? I know you can download it for free ( ) but I don't want it if it's some spyware infested piece of junk like Kazaa was. Is P2P even a viable sharing method anymore? If so, what is the best client to use? Thanks!
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4 responses
20 Jun 10
If it were me - i'd avoid LimeWire.. Too many virus's and people just trying to make cash these days.
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
I've been using limewire for quite a while now, but I did not encounter problems. My computer has a virus protection program too. My pc is secured.
• United States
21 Jun 10
Limewire is really good. It all depends on what you download, the quality of it. I have a anti virus just to make sure.
@udnisak (609)
• Australia
11 Aug 10
of course when you are using lime wire you have to be very carefull about viruses.. you can search videos or songs but you have to be extra carefull when selecting what to download.. you should not go for the first search result you can see.. instead check the best one availble... good luck..
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
Limewire is a pretty decent P2P program. I'd been using it for quite a while now. I have not encountered any problems since the day I started using it. You can download limewire for free. There is limewire basic membership and limewire pro.
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
And I have to agree with these reviewers that P2P software including LimeWire is being misused for copyright infringement and it should be used for corporate or home businesses. If you're using LimeWire, avoid downloading the fake ICPP Copyright Rogue, and other infected files that can corrupt your critical system files, including Parite, Sality, Virut, etc.