Watch tv, pay or pay?

United States
June 23, 2010 12:44am CST
Over half the country of united states, had lost the ability to watch tv, because the government had made it a law for tv to be all HD. Requiring people to have to pay for a service in order to watch just a few channels. But is that something good? What about the senior citizens who have already have trouble using 1 remote? What about the low income house holds who can't afford an extra $50 to 90 a month to watch tv? Is the government showing prejudice against fixed income, low income earners, senior citizens, and the rest of those who can't afford it? Probably not, but I would like to see what it would take to bring back free tv viewing for local channels. (you know? where the tv needs antennas?) Would you want to go back to free tv? Are you happy to view videos online? Are you happy paying for a tv viewing service? Where do you stand on this issue?
1 response
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
24 Jun 10
What are you talking about? If you have an HD TV and a proper antenna, you can get FREE broadcast HD TV in most of the US. In Fact you don't need an HD TV if you buy a converer for about $100. HD TV allows TV stations to broadcast more signals OVER THE AIR. This is FREE TV. If you subscribe to cable TV, you don't have to pay xtra for HD. You can subscribe to basic cable and still get the local over the air TV. ree TV is still available and antennas are still being sold. A really good fringe antenna, capable of picking up distant signals, can be purchased for $100. With a $30 rotor, you can change the aim of the antenna to pick up signals from different directions. Indoor atennas, for use in cities, are less expensive. I have cable TV and do not pay for HD. Don't blame the government for something you don't knw anything about.
• United States
24 Jun 10
your logic is twisted... sorry. IF PEOPLE CAN'T PAY AN EXTRA 90 DOLLARS FOR ONE MONTH OF GOOD TV, then how in the WORLD can they pay the 250 bucks for the flat screen HD tv, and another 100 dollars for the converter? then if they try to connect it up but fail to understand the instructions, then they have to ask some one else to do it for them. i have a friend who's 68 years old, he had trouble using just ONE remote, and i once went to his house, wrote drawings on a poster board for him... what the buttons on the remote would do, what they mean, what the buttons on the tv mean. and through that, after a time he got the "hang of it"... now out in the woods, all he can catch is AM RADIO off of his stereo. I've tried to connect his HD CONVERTER, after he tried it for 2 months. he bought 2 flat screen HD tv's thinking he bought the wrong tv... after another 4 months of being aggravated about him not having at least 2 channels on his tv (any of his tv's) he ended up starting buying dvd's to watch. he lived in the woods for ages... and he had easy ability to watch up to 6 channels without a hassle. now everything is HD... and he's tried everything he can do. now when he wants to watch tv, he has to go to one of his friend's houses to watch tv. he's an army vet, and it's not fair. why can't he just watch tv? it was simpler back then. buy a tv (even a used tv) make sure you got an antenna, and plug in the tv, tada! tv ! now you almost need to take a college course to learn how to watch tv at home.
• United States
20 Jul 10
burrito88 YOU ARE STILL MISSING THE POINT... once again... if you do NOT have the extra money to buy that converter box if you do NOT have the money to get a new flat screen tv... and if you do NOT have the money to pay for cable or satellite YOU CAN NOT WATCH ANY KIND OF TV WHAT SO EVER! me and 4 others have tried. sigh