obamas rating at an all time low.

United States
July 13, 2010 11:26am CST
recent polls show that 58% of americans do not have confidence in their president. it is claimed that the economic downturn, luck of jobs, immigration and standard of living are some of the reason for this. do you believe in the results f this poll?
2 responses
• United States
13 Jul 10
Polls can be very slanted and of xcourse if the president had listened at polls he would have never been in office. How many hispanics, blacks or Asians were were asked in these polls? No one I have ever encountered has ever been canvassed in any of these polls. Polls can be made to say anything the pollster wants. However organizations like Fox and others want everyone to go by their slanted polls. Polls work with people who do not take much time to think about whats going on and regretfully that is many people however there are enough thinking people to balance out. The President will be reelected in a landslide because his base is unchanged and their passion though sometimes dormant will be there when he needs them.
• United States
13 Jul 10
I suppose many of us have lost the initial faith we had the day history made a change. One thing we must understand is that our current President did not cause the problems we are experiencing. We must also understand that we have had a slue of many other presidents who have tired vigorously to make valuable changes and have failed. One key is that our President has not been in office long enough to for us to give a valid opinion. He is not a miracle worker nor did he perceive he would be. We must understand that many tried for a lot longer than we are giving him credit for. This is my opinion and I am sticking to it.