How do you make students interested in a technical subj?

July 17, 2010 12:12pm CST
Hi, i'm teaching a technical subject in college. I am a new professor and i still have to work my way in making things easier both for me and the students. I'm teaching the foundation course for engineering students and i would like to make it interesting aside from the drawings/illustrations. Any tips or help on how to do so? Hope to hear form you and thank you for your responses!
1 response
• United States
17 Jul 10
Congratulations on your new profession. First, every student is different so keep that in mind. What you could do is conduct a survey to find out how the students prefer to learn their lessons. In most of my classes, the professor would place up on the board critical elements that would be on the test. It worked like this: Discuss content that will be on the test. Get students interesting by applying real life concepts. Be humorous. Assign chapter reading. Tell students to read only parts that are important. Otherwise, students will be reading the whole chapter and will not have time to focus on material for the test. You could always have your students design technical storyboards using outside objects, or even fantasy ones. Personally, I love a class where I'm free to expand my mind instead of keeping it limited. But I think the survey would definitely assist you in finding out what the students would prefer.
• Philippines
18 Jul 10
Wow, it's good to hear your opinion. I've been hesitant about this vocation coz i'm really not used to speaking in front of many people, but i guess this helps me develop my confidence. And thanks a lot too for the suggestions! God bless!:)
• United States
20 Jul 10
You're welcome. Speaking in front of a group is difficult if you feel shy and uncertain. So, as a suggestion, start off with your name, tell them a bit about yourself, throw some humor in it. Get them to laugh. Then go around the room and have them do the same. It eases the tension. You'll also find that the more you speak to them, the more comfortable you'll feel. Don't rush either. Students hate that. And it's probably best if you don't avoid answering questions. One of my instructors did this and the entire class was not pleased. Let me know how it works out for you. You can send me a PM if you prefer. :)