Why tell a women you love her when looking at Foreogm women?

@megabiz (185)
United States
July 20, 2010 12:51pm CST
How can a man sit there telling you he loves you so much. Then tells you, your the only for him. Then lets you know how much he appreciates all the things you do for him. And then..... Jumps on the computer to look at Foreign women such as Russian, Ukraine and China women. Yet when he gets on the computer to look at them, your not allowed to say one single word about what he is doing or how it makes you feel that he says those things to you before looking at those women. Is that suppose to really make a woman feel good about here self? Is she suppose to feel loved, cared for and sexy? Are you really the only for him? Does anyone else out there have a similar situation or any comments you'd like to share on this topic?
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5 responses
• United States
20 Jul 10
First off wrong answer for not saying anything. I have faught this battle before and I have to say stepping up and saying something is the only defense you have. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand a man's desire to look at a beautiful woman; but he must remember what goes around comes around. If he feels the need to sit infront of the computer viewing such sites, give him a little of his own medicine. Get to the computer first and pull up sites with well cut men. They do not have to be showing anything inappropriate but he will quickly understand that you appreciate a good looking man as much as he does a good looking woman. What I just don't get is why these girls think it is necessary to put images like these of themselves on the internet. The men that they are trying to attract with them are not the men that are fawning over them.
@megabiz (185)
• United States
21 Jul 10
Hey! That is a GREAT idea. I should try that. I'll get to the computer before he does and pull up pictures of Russian or Ukraine men. Like he does women. I don't have to pay unless I am going to chat with one. I will just look at them like he does women. That just might make him stop and think or even be jealous. I totally agree with your last phrase about why these girls think it is necessary to put images of themselves on the internet like that. It is so true that the men they are trying to attract are not the men that are doing the looking. That is so very true. Thank you for you idea of my looking at men. That is and awesome idea.
• United States
21 Jul 10
I already responded to your post but just have one comment to you. If you want to be happy in life , just let it go and do not spy.. enjoy the moment with your BF
@megabiz (185)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Spy? Not sure what you're getting at with that. No where did I say any thing about spying. If you are referring to the computer; It so happens that at times he will come over to eat at my place and gets on my computer. My place is so small downstairs with a dinning room and living combo. The dinning room is to small for a table. I split the room in half with a couch butting a large table behind the desk that is used as a place for my computer and eating. So, I am not really spying. How can you not see what he is doing. Doesn't matter what part of the room you sit in, in can pretty much see the computer screen from any where. I try to enjoy my time with my BF, but the only way I can seem to do it is to get him to want to go out, like eat out, movie or take a walk. That is hard to do as three nice of the week he is at table tennis and to tired to do anything after. He comes over everyday cause right now he is having problems with no water in the house due to plumbing problems and it cost him way more than he can pay right now. So I cook for him a lot. I love to cook but hate that he has to be on the computer like that an I an not to say a word about the foreign women he looks at. He tells me it is just for relaxation and if I keep my mouth shut about his looking at women that it will draw him closer to me. That to me seem odd. How can my not say word to him about looking at foreign women make him get closer to me to where as he says, could make him want to someday completely forget about them and want to be with me?
@rjkmrr (172)
• India
26 Jul 10
Yea you are right, we can't trust the man. They tend to simplify the things what they had done and what they are doing. I feel uneasy when my man is doing that.
@megabiz (185)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Yea, I feel uneasy too. But someone who wrote before you opened my eyes. My boyfriend is not writing to the women. He says that is just a waste of time when it gets to be to expensive. So, he he isn't sitting here telling them he loves them or taking them out or sitting in the same room with. This guy is very open an honest with me. I always know what he is doing during the day and evening. If he is not at table tennis or with clients, he is with me. We have a very strong open hones loving relationship. Now, if he and I were married, that would be grounds for leaving him. You can't trust any men on the face of the earth. But you have to look at it both ways. Men can't trust women either. It goes both ways. You have to trust your self first in order to be honest with the other person and vise versa. It's the same as Loving yourself first before you can love someone else. If there is trust and honesty along with no secrets held, it doesn't matter if he he is looking at foreign women as long as he is not talking to them, and he is spending all of his time really focused on you. It comes down to, the only time I should really have a problem with his looking at foreign women is if he asked me to marry him and was going behind my back at that time to continue looking at them. That would be grounds for leaving him. I thank the person who wrote me prier to you for the eye opener.
@Elixiress (3878)
21 Jul 10
So you are fine with your partner telling you he loves you then looking at women of the same nationality as you, but if he looks at foreign women then this is wrong? If so then that sounds a little racist. Also, where do you get the idea from that you are not allowed to say anything? If my boyfriend was looking at women on the internet of any skin type then I would definitely say something. Finally, there is difference between love and lust, he could love you and just lust after these other women. It is up to your moral compass of "what is cheating" to decide whether he is in the wrong. I have no problem with my boyfriend saying that another girl is pretty but I wouldn't want him to kiss for her for example.
@megabiz (185)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Yes I am fine with my boyfriend telling me he loves me. No I am not fine with with him looking at women of of the same nationality as me AFTER telling me me loves me. Yes! I agree that looking at foreign women is wrong. You see how they dress and pose in flirty positions. It does feel like racist to me. I get the idea that I am not to say anything as he tells me to keep my mouth shut about women, money and his time or he will leave and not spend the rest of the day or evening with me. I have said something about how it makes me feel and he even says that when I talk about his looking at women, money and time that it will only push him further away from me. By my keeping my mouth shut, it will draw him closer to me. Looking at them as he says, is his way of relaxing. That is how I feel. I feel like he is lusting. When I brought that up to him one time four weeks ago, he just went on a rampage and left telling me he will come back till I can show more respect. Yes, it is up to my moral compass of "what is cheating". Well, I don't mind that either. But for him to every time he comes over that is the first thing he has to do before spending time with me. He says he needs is relaxing time. He tells me I'm prettier than they are. So,the question is, if I am suppose to be prettier than them, why does he want to look at them?
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
21 Jul 10
I agree with sleepylittlerose. You need to say something when this thing happen. Don't just sit down in the corner nurturing of hurts while believing that your man is sincere is telling you, YOU ARE THE ONE. That is belony. Speak and let him know that you are not that dumb. If he tells you again those words, let him prove it. I wish some women would stop to be a martyr. Good luck to you.
• Brazil
25 Jul 10
Love and lust aren't the same. Why feel insecure about it? Him lusting for another doesn't make you any less loved, or that he will leave you for her, or that you are less desirable (especially if he is oggling foreign women which are different than you - not better just different). It isn't meant to mean you are inadequate. Just stop letting society dictate that you must feel upset by it. As long as there is honesty and trust and love you already have the best parts of a relationship. Think of the lyrics to Savage Garden's Affirmations. Instead, go read some fanfic; I suggest some NC-17 fic.
@megabiz (185)
• United States
27 Jul 10
Well, I never did think of it that way. There is honesty and trust in out relationship. He doesn't hide anything from me nor does he ever tell me I can't sit at the same table with him when he his looking at the women. After all, he is not sitting in the same room with them or taking them out to eat, movies, long moonlight walks or hugging or kissing them. You do have a point there. Maybe I should only be upset if we were married. thanks for the eye opener.