On what situation do you shout?

July 26, 2010 8:19am CST
Very seldom I shout. We cannot get away in becoming angry at different situations but I always see to it that I understand the issue. Whenever I faced any unfavorable situations that is about to make me burst into anger, I am counting up to ten counts to make my anger subside. But there was one situation that I shouted and that was when I got bitten by a dog. That was shout of pain. What about you?
4 responses
@joiele (49)
• Philippines
26 Jul 10
i shout a lot! no, not shout, scream. yes, scream is the word. i scream to my nephew who is 6y/o and likes to bother everyone in the house, he even loves to wake me up w/o any reason. i scream at horror films, especially those suspense thrillers! i'm such a coward but i go out w/ my friends to watch horror films. :) but if it's because of anger, very seldom. i try to keep my control on things, especially my feelings. i used to work as a call center rep and it was very stressful. but i seldom scream at my callers, even if i'm on mute :). i like the feeling of being in control of my feelings especially anger.
@mylosha (286)
• India
26 Jul 10
Hai mylotter, shouting is the act of internal stimulation. I too seldom shout but till last year i often shout at home and in office if anybody disturb me while work. But once i realized myself gradually and listed my good and bad habits the shouting could take a first place in my negative side. Then i seriously committed to reduce this habit and also i succeeded. The main problem of shouting is we could define our mind within a though circle, if anybody disturbed that pattern of thought we get angry and mentally abnormal.So i learned to keep open mind and prepare myself to accept all kind of thoughts with proper control.
@hushi22 (4928)
26 Jul 10
i seldom shout, too. i think i just cry. as far as i remember though.
@ashton77 (292)
• India
26 Jul 10
I am not of a shouter even when I am angry. I like to be quite. I do shout when I am call my friend from his ground floor to his room window, I do shout when I play football, I do shout when the speaker from the other end of the cell phone don't hear me properly. These are some of the instances where I shout.