
United States
August 9, 2010 10:48pm CST
My son is 37 years old and hates his job. He is a mortgage consultant and he tells me his job seems like the New York Stock Exchange where everyone is screaming and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. He has millionaires hollering at him all day and his company gives everyone many more client's cases than can possibly be covered. Most of them work 12-14 hours per day and still can't begin to catch up. The guy in the desk by him said it was like trying to herd cats. Another said he would rather wresle rattlesnakes. He is stressing out so much over it because he is a very consciencious employee. I think the problem for him is this and I think it is true of a lot of people. He got his Bachelors Degree in Sports Marketing because he loves all kinds of sports. He did have a job at the city golf course whwere he lives as the Assistant Golf Pro and he loved it. The problem was he only made $10.00 per hour. He couldn't support his wife and daughter on that so he had to go back to mortgages which he had done in the past and made a lot more money at but was miserable. Now he is miserable again. My advice to young people: Ask yourself what you enjoy doing. What is fun to you. If you can work doing what you think of as fun you won't be as stressed out in your life. If you do a job you hate and dread getting up in the morning to go to work and live for the weekends then your life is stressful. When you are off work you are dreading going back and really can't enjoy your time off. When you do decide what you really like to do, look into it very thoroughly. See what is available in that area of employment and what it pays. My son did not do that and now he feels stuck in a job he hates. Choose wisely young people especially now in these hard economic times we are living in. By the way, does anyone have any suggestions for my son? Realize how many hours you will spend working compared to how many waking hours you will have to spend with your family. Is it worth it to you? So many people I know work at a job totally unrelated to the degree they got from college. I don't get it. There must be a point to it but I can't see it myself.
1 response
@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
10 Aug 10
Hi Chickabee, I know what you are going through. All though my daughter is only 25 and about a month ago she expressed how much she hated her job at a call center. I'm not certain she is still at it though because her and her husband are suppose to have a photography business to run from home. I don't really know how they are doing with it but she has upgraded a lot these last few months. However, what I see the problem with my daughter's life is their lifestyle. She feels the more busy she is the more better and healthier she is, me I don't agree with it. Her standard of living seem to have to line up with society in her way of thinking. Nice things are good to achieve but not at the price of family well-being. The way I see it know one is really stuck in their jobs, it just looks like they are because to them they don't see how they can support their family adequately enough. So for my daughter's situation is she thinks her lifesyle is a little more important than looking at her priorities. But your son shouldn't feel he is stuck, it just takes analysing one's life and there is always a solution. Yes, I do agree with you it is better to find what you enjoy doing than doing something that you don't enjoy and be stressed. I hope I helped in some way.
• United States
11 Aug 10
Hey ccdiane, I am glad to hear from you, too. You are right about our kids. It is so hard to have to sit back and see them make mistakes when they are adults. It's like they don't want to be embarrassed in front of their friends if they don't acquire all the right stuff. I, myself, have learned how to make do without things many people think they have to have. They get caught up in what the world tells them they need and they fall for it. All it does is put them in a prison of their own making and they have to work harder to have more and more and then work harder than ever to pay for it. I guess they will learn in time as they get older. I can't complain too much, though, my son who is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet and his wife are Christians. They go to church regularly and are bringing up my granddaughter to know the Lord. I thank God for that every day. Have a good day and thanks for your thoughts on this. It's good when someone understands.
@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
11 Aug 10
Thank you Chickabee, it is good to hear from you as well. I am so happy to hear your son and wife are Christians and are bringing up your grandaughter to know the Lord. Unfortunately, my oldest daughter and my son-law are not living by God's standards. But I can say that my youngest daughter who had made the choice to live with them is at least taking time to go to church. She has turned 18 and is a Senior this year. I pray she will never feel she has to be as busy as her sister and forget what is really important. As busy as my oldest daughter between a job and her business, caring for my daughter, her husband you think there is got to be a lot of stress going on in her life. I hope she will realize soon what is really important before it is too late. So I hope things will work out for the best for your son and his family. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
12 Aug 10
Greetings again my friend, Chickabee. As I read your response we do have some things in common. The only difference I see is I'm not a grandmother yet because my oldest daughter and her husband is sooo busy with their careers and their lifestyle that it seems like they had put family on the back burner, so to speak. However, the prayer you prayed is quite close to the prayer I had finally petition to God just this last month. Sometimes us parents need to pray this kind of prayer to get our adult kids to come back to God no matter what it takes. So yes, I will indeed pray for you and your kids and their family as well. For my youngest daughter who lives with them, I was present with her at a youth gathering back in 2007, and I had a wonderful opportunity to see her accept the Lord at the age of 15. Unfortunately, during a mess of confussion and caos later that year while I was trying to relocate us to a nearby state where we reside in now, I lost her to the court system from the state we came from. She was placed with my oldest daughter in 2008 after the previous family who had her decided it wasn't worth the hassle and conflict they were having with the Health and Human Services back home. All though she is with her sister, it hasn't been easy fighting my oldest daughter, HHS and the Judge in getting her back in my home. But now that she is a Senior this year I just felt that I'll honor her wish to want to stay with her sister, but to expect at least a few overnight stays after the court closes the case and she has her own driver license to come on her own terms. I haven't been in the best financial standing very good this year, however, I have had quite a bit of encourgement from God's word that God will change my circumstance around as I continue to sumitt to his will in my life. So thank you so much for your payers, I will indeed do the same. Have a great and wonderful day.