Gain weight

@Yheart (496)
September 11, 2010 1:33pm CST
Do you know how to gain weight?
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8 responses
@suni51 (3429)
• India
16 May 12
I suggest you make a diet chart and follow it religiously. Go for protein and carbohydrate rich food. And never forget to workout properly to buildup muscles. That would not only increase your weight but a healthy body as well.
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@Yheart (496)
• Indonesia
16 May 12
I heard a lot about protein. Which one is better to gain more weight, protein or carbohydrate? Will they fat my belly too?
@suni51 (3429)
• India
17 May 12
I hope they will not affect your belly if you shall workout properly. Every thing in a calculated quantity would do wonders for you. I hope you must have tried some of the suggestions by now. Thanks for your reply.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
16 May 12
Eat meat, a lot of protein will help you grow muscles then pair that with muscle training exercises. Make sure you let all your muscles work or you get a body like superman. big arms yet small pelvis and legs. Good luck!
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@Yheart (496)
• Indonesia
16 May 12
Protein? I'll note that. But will protein make my belly bigger too?
@suni51 (3429)
• India
17 May 12
Protein generally does not affect your belly if taken properly and please keep in mind excess of every thing is bad and regular workout is must.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
20 Jun 11
Sometimes it is really hereditary on why we have such fast metabolism. I have always been thin in my entire life and so is my mom. I noticed however, that she started gaining weight when she had her menopause. She is so big now. I started a milk supplement that helps you gain weight. I gained about 10 pounds since then. Then suddenly, I'm back to my old appetite and start not eating enough. Fortunately, I haven't lost the pounds I gained. Hope we can have our desired weight soon. I still need around 10-20 pounds.
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@Yheart (496)
• Indonesia
16 May 12
Milk supplement? I'll look into it. Glad to know you don't loose your weight.
• United States
5 Jun 11
I read a few of the posts before me many said to "eat junk food" no, no, no. Thats the last thing you want to do. Muscle outweighs fat because it is a lot more dense plus it looks way more attractive. It may make you gain weight but not the healthy way. The healthy way in my opinion would to get gainers. Gainers is this fine powder you can get at most vitamin stores. This will help your muscles develop a lot faster than without them. Go to your local GNC or go online. Whatever suits you best. However, before you can take those you NEED to lift weights and exercise its imperative to your muscle growth. You can consult a doctor of physical trainer about what exercises you should be doing. Lastly, diet eat the right foods that you would need which you should consult a nutritionist before going on a diet. I hope this helped.
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@Yheart (496)
• Indonesia
16 May 12
Is gainers for woman and man different? Is it expensive?
• India
16 May 12
Always put your efforts for eating at all the time in regular intravels. This can help you. I just meant that eat more and spent little more time for it.
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@Yheart (496)
• Indonesia
16 May 12
That's the problem. I hardly have regular intravels meals.
14 May 12
Do you work out? If you are then it's all about follwing a bulk routine. Results in no time! :) If you are not, well stick to food with high carbs and try to have at least 4 meals a day. Try and include weight gainer products in between meals for better accumulation of calories. Avoid junk food, that's an unhealthy approach to gaining weight. Stick to food such as oat, rice and bread. I recommend a casual Oat meal breakfast. Fast gainer! I'll let you in on a secret. Mix banana with milk by using a blender and make yourself a banana shake. Banana and Milk is proved to be one of the most efficient ways of gaining weight. Even Body builders do that. Try it! Good luck :)
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@Yheart (496)
• Indonesia
16 May 12
4 meals a day? I can't eat that much. The secret is really interesting. Thanks for share it with me. I'll definitely try it.
• India
12 Sep 10
Welcome to mylot May i ask, how much you weigh? If you remain inactive, no walking, no exercise and eat lot of sweet foods, oily junk foods, you will gain weight very fast.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always, cheers. Professor. .
@Yheart (496)
• Indonesia
13 Sep 10
My weight is 37 kg. Someone told me my ideal weight should be 45 or 46 kg. Thank you for the suggestion.
@zeith88 (115)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
I look so thin, and your post help me to get some tips to gain weight from reply to your started discussions. I hope this time I gain weight to look good.