looking for "REAL or TRUE" historical events RTS game

September 16, 2010 10:08am CST
I forgot what game did I read (months ago) from a game review and in what website that says that "this" game has a campaign-story mode that is comparable to a true historical events that ALMOST can use to a history class.. I'm looking for that game now and cant find it, all i can remember is its a RTS game like Age of Empire or Total War or Civilization.. can't remember which one and can't find that review that claims that "can use to a history class" or something like that... I'm now sure it's not Age of Empires 3 coz the campaign there is not that realistic... I played Company of Heroes but it's not an RTS like that, It's like an Era like Total War or Age of Empires... and if I remember correctly, the RTS I was looking for was released like 1 or 2 years ago only... I really can't remember =( anyone can help me or suggest this type of RTS that gives an ALMOST true or realistic campaign story? =( =( =(
1 response
• United States
6 Nov 10
Rome: Total War has historically based single battles, but not historically based campaign mode.