What was the weirdest dream you've ever had?

October 27, 2010 8:50pm CST
Dreams are really weird. Sometimes you dream of things that are not related with each other. I once dreamed of driving a table and taking it to the gasoline station to fill it up! I really found that dream funny. I even told my friends about it and told me that's the weirdest dream they've heard of. I'd love to hear the weirdest dream you've had :)
2 responses
17 Nov 12
Mine were really weird and inaccurate. I once dream of and herd of tigers going west to migrate from snow season, then some choose to reside on my bombshelter beneath a desert because they were late in running. haha. I also constantly dream of objects changing. one thing it was an orb then I look up to something/someone and when I went back to the orb it had been square. Weird part of it is that I didn't mind it at all and the story just progressed. dreams really defy the laws of physics.
• El Salvador
11 Nov 10
I usually don't remember what I dream about but I've had very disturbing dreams... From rape to dreams with strange creatures I've never seen in my life or that actually don't exist...