new projects my way

November 11, 2010 9:45pm CST
there are new projects coming my way. i hope everything will push through. and i am praying for energy and strength to do them all, as well as wisdom to come up with great ideas. i do creative stuff and i need creative ideas. no time to rest because i badly need money. sometimes i have to ask, why is money such a big concern? sigh...but anyway, i have to earn because my family has needs. need to more. and earn more. praying for more better paying jobs so that with the work that i do, i have more money. praying for more....God please open the flood gates of heaven and pour out your blessings on you child! praying for God's favor.
4 responses
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
14 Nov 10
That's wonderful news. Congratulations to you ! I can sense you are a very hardworking person. I am confident you will be successful, and things will go very well. And, I am sure your family will be with you, and giving you all the support you need. Wish you all the best !
• United Arab Emirates
12 Nov 10
God bless u But hardwork always pay it's part don't worry
@chuyins123 (2112)
• Philippines
12 Nov 10
God has already planned to prosper us, in fact He wants us to be rich. Rich not only in material things and financial but also in good deeds and generousity and bless other people's lives. Just prepare yourself for the blessing, He open the floodgates of heaven and pour down blessings that you would not have room enough for it, if you are ready to receive such overflowing blessing! God bless you brother!
@calpro (930)
• India
12 Nov 10
Hi poshearns, I am happy to know that new projects are coming in your way,First I should congratulate you for that,Congratulations.I appreciate the concern you show towards your family. God always loves the people who loves his family and his fellow men,I pray for your success in your life.Believe in God believe he is with you and he is in you that will give you better confidence to perform your tasks.Believing in God makes you believe in yourself and will boost your confidence levels. All the best, Happy earning.