
@kristenc (107)
United States
November 19, 2010 5:04pm CST
I just finished reading Karen kingsbury's Unlocked..........it was wonderul!!!! I love her book anyway, but this is just an amazing story, about a boy with autism, who is drawn out of his private world by music. I recommend it to everyone, but I also recommend that if you read it, to keep a box of tissues handy!!
2 responses
@ljlisas (76)
• Philippines
21 Nov 10
Aha! A reader of KK! I have quite a lot of her books on my bookshelf. heheh. I get a supply of her books from an american friend. So far i've only read 2 of hers though. It's not that I don't like her books. She is a good writer and her stories are quite good but they are just soooo sad. I've read the synopsis of all my KK books here and I can tell that they are just as sad as the 2 I've read from her. heheh.
• United States
19 Nov 10
That sounds like a nice book to read. A couple of my friends have bought about that books name, and I think there is much to be experienced when reading it. The author of the book actually visited my high school and wrote his autograph for many students. I recall that he too faced lots of difficulties when growing up. There were days when he would become over whelmed with fear and desperation. I'm thinking about buying the book from Amazon as my Christmas present. This book should be more than worth the money that I pay for it. Thanks for the review Kristen.
@kristenc (107)
• United States
20 Nov 10
The author is actually a woman, but it is an amazing book! And if you are considering buying it from Amazon, that's where I got it from, and they have it for under 10 dollars. It's well worth it, too!