Are you always thinking of different ways to make extra money? I am

December 2, 2010 5:07pm CST
I'm always looking & thinking of the different ways I can make an extra few dollars whether it be online or offline. I guess this is me being driven to wanting to pay off all of my debts. I also want to try & start saving up to buy a house - preferably in the area where I live but I know that it's expensive where I live as I am at the beach. Some of the ideas I have are what I think really good but I just don't put them into use either because I don't have enough time or I don't know how to go about it. It's also a catch 22 with some things as I have put them to use & if there's alot of the same out there, I haven't made any extra money because of the competition being out there longer than my idea. What about you? are you always looking for other ways to make extra money?
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12 responses
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
3 Dec 10
I always used to try everything I could to earn a few extra dollars here and there, but in the end, I realised that all this effort had gone to nothing as we were in the same amount of debt as always and I felt I was missing out on life, just trying to get ahead. I still want to get out of debt, but I am not as desperate as really, debt is only money created by the banks anyway. There is no possible way that all the debt in the world can ever be paid off, so I feel better about my level of debt now. I just plan on enjoying life more now!
• Australia
3 Dec 10
I don't try everything but I do try things that I have learned are legit when it comes to online (I tend not to do much online unless it pays me I also think of other things I can do offline besides working to bring in some cash like I am always doing craft to sell in front of the tv if I'm not on the computer.
• Australia
5 Dec 10
Wow!! It did take you a while to sell your doll houses! You could have sold them on madeit which is the Aussie version of etsy...I have listed some of my items there & on other auction sites & it's hit & miss with my crocheting & knitting depending on what I have made & the time of year.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
3 Dec 10
I used to make dolls houses in my garage for a bit of extra cash, but they were time consuming and even though they were good quality and solid, most people thought they were overpriced I think, as you can buy cheap Chinese made ones for half the price. It took me a couple of years to sell the last couple of them after I stopped making them!
@Bannybanzie (1397)
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
Hi! Just like you, I always am looking for job opportunities where I may qualify. I need to work to help pay things in our family. I am working right now but I can see that my work is starting to go down. I also am looking for jobs online. I have found some but still have not received a penny from them because I still have not met the minimum payout. I really am looking forward to seeing something I can here full time that can really help me with my life. You said you're looking forward to saving for a house. That is a very good objective I must say. I am still young and still lives in my parents house, but if there is something I would like to save for, I think it would be to buy a new car... I always wanted to have one. I hope that we reach our dreams and be able to survive our lives! Nice to see you around! :)
• Australia
5 Dec 10
@ thepheonix I do make a little bit of extra money online, it's not much but it certainly does help..feel free to check out my blog through my profile...I am actually looking for ways on & offline to make extra money.
• Australia
3 Dec 10
I hope it all works out for you too...I think if we are driven, we will succeed.
• India
3 Dec 10
Hi Child.. I really dont think that what ever we earn online will fetch to an amount to buy a house ... or atleast a good cycle... the very thought of earning good money will make us feel much better I really tried long back to see if i can atleast make 20$ but dint succeed. if are having any better techniques or results do share with me/us. it will be really helpful. thanks...
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
3 Dec 10
Yes all the time. Because I want to be independent not relying on my father anymore, he's old already and mum is sick.
• Australia
3 Dec 10
This is definitley a good reason to look for other ways to bring in more money.
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
3 Dec 10
I am always looking for more ways to make extra money online. I belong to a few great sites that are very dependable and pay quickly, so I am happy, however I am always looking for a few more to add to the list. I wish I was able to get referrals as that is a way to make even more money without having to join a half a dozen additional sites.
• Australia
6 Dec 10
I too would like to make more money online so I didn't have to go back to work but unfortunately that's not possible for me at the moment...I am still looking for more ways to make money online so I don't have to go back to work but I do get paid by a few sites which does help but I would love more & like you, I'm no good at getting referrals either.
@pogi253 (1586)
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
We always need money for a range of purposes. More often than not, the regular source of income is not sufficient to meet all needs. So we therefore seek other ways to earn extra income online.
• Australia
3 Dec 10
This is very true & some of us seek the extra income both on & off line.
@fl0rencia (414)
• Philippines
3 Dec 10
Me too. I always think of different ways on how I can make extra money. Especially online. I want to earn a lot online. Because online jobs are less physically difficult because you would just sit down, type something on computer and so on. And also, I don't pay for anything, or fee before I earn anything (except I'm paying for electric bills and all. Hahaha) And maybe because I haven't earn anything yet from my online jobs because I just started from it.
• Australia
6 Dec 10
I too would like to earn more oline so I wouldn't have to worry about going out of the home to work (which I am about to).
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
2 Dec 10
I guess I should say I do. Becuase , when I have the spare time in the evenings after getting back home from my fulltime lob, I like to do things which are beneficial and profitable, instead of just staying idle and wasting the time. So, I do keep looking for different ways to make some earnings online, and I do keep busy with them.
• Australia
3 Dec 10
Yeah me too...I am not working during the day yet but I have a job which I start in a week...I can't sit idle in front of the tv...if I'm not on the computer making money, I am doing my craft which I sell online or sorting through all my stuff to declutter which I have a box of things to sell either online or at a garage sale to earn a bit of extra cash.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
2 Dec 10
I am always trying to find ways to make money but my biggest problem is that I don't stay focused on anything enough to earn much. I sign for too many things and then I can't keep track of them all. It does not help that I am not the best record keeper either.
• Australia
3 Dec 10
I think I have the same problem as you - I can't stay focused or I forget about what I have signed up to...I know I need to stop doing that because if I stay focused, I will earn more money...I own a website which I need to promote but I keep forgetting about it but if I promote it, I will earn more money!
• Singapore
3 Dec 10
Before I joined Mylot, I was always looking for more sites that can let me make money. After that, I began sticking to Mylot ever since and Mylot's been my main site to earn money. Now, I'm looking for some writing sites and just hours ago, I signed up with Triond, which had interested me since I saw some Mylotters talking about it. So, yea. There are a lot of opportunities for us out there to explore. If we open our eyes big enough, we'll surely be able to see it.
• Australia
3 Dec 10
This is true - there are alot of legitimate paying sites out there, it's jut a matter of finding them. I hope you enjoy triond, I too have a few articles published there.
@lovecimi (41)
• China
3 Dec 10
I have never thought making extra money before. Because I always worked overtime, I was busy. But now I start to think about manking extra money. Because the prices is keeping rising while my salary isn't. And our big boss said our salary won't be raised in the near future.
• Australia
3 Dec 10
This is the sad part - our living expenses keep rising but our wages stay the same.
@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
3 Dec 10
I also think in different ways to earn extra money online and offline. It is not easy to earn money offline as a mother. Online we can earn any time. I realize that my earnings are increasing but I have so many things to achieve.
• Australia
3 Dec 10
I totally agree that it is hard earn when you are a mother but the more we can do on & offline when we have the time will see our incomes getting bigger which will help with our bills & day to day expenses.
• India
3 Dec 10
I think of different ways to make money may be online or others i do a lot of thinking now and then so that i get a good sum of money every month.But now i only do online stuffs.
• Australia
3 Dec 10
I still do both only because I can earn just that little bit extra if I do.