Sticky Situation

United States
December 16, 2010 7:57pm CST
As you know me and Sarah write her frequently. I have had a situation come up and I need some other people's prospective and also how I should handle this from here on out. First, I think I better give a little background. Me and Sarah were talking on Yahoo almost 6 months before we decided to have me move down here and we get a place where we live now. This was about February of this year. We do pretty good together, but her family tends to start alot of crap. About June of this year Sarah got really upset one night and broke down and told me that her cousin raped her from the time she was 14 till she was 16, when he switched over to raping her sister for a couple more. Now the cousin in question is like the golden child of the family. In everyone's eyes he can do no wrong. On several nights since she shared this with me I have had to rock her to sleep to get her to stop crying her eyes out. Now, up until now i had been able to hold my tongue. But last Sunday , things went horribly awry. This cousin calls our house that morning and Sarah was talking to him on the phone. He asked if we could chip in together for their grandmother's gift. Sarah told him we just did not have the money and he started getting hateful, so she hung up on him. When he called back she asked me to handle it. So i answered the phone and I told him she did not want to talk to try back later. Well this guy starts going off on me. Telling me how he has lunch every week with the county attorney, and he could come in to my home and beat me to death and never see a jail cell. I had just had enough. This guy continuously raped my future wife and now he is on the phone threatening me?!?! I finally let it spill I told him he was a baby raper and I was gonna have him pay for it. I was gonna have him put in jail and everyone would know what kind of monster he was, and then hung up in his face. Sarah's mom calls back 5 minutes later and goes to jumping on me for telling him off. I told her that maybe she should stop defending the man who raped her daughters, and worry more about her daughters. Of course i just let the cat completely out the bag by telling her. What shocked me more is she said that it was between Sarah and Matt and no one else could get upset about it!?! This angered me even more. We have not talked to any authorities yet and do not know if we will or not. But another thing I told Sarah, is people like this just do not stop doing it, it is an obsession, and by not saying anything , you may be helping victimize someone else. We do not know what to do.............. What do you think???
2 responses
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Dec 10
First and foremost, make a report and do it now! I cannot imagine any mother who would close her eyes and keep her own mouth shut about such a horrible thing being done to her children. I agree with you, he will continue to rape. There is no doubt in my mind that if this continues to go unreported there will be other victims. The thing Sarah needs to consider is whether she can live with the consequences on not reporting Matt. I sincerely hope that both Sarah and her sister will at least seek counseling for themselves.
• United States
17 Dec 10
This is Sarah and i feel like if i bring it up now nothing will happen and i know the attorneys here all that will happen is he will be on the registry for offenders and that will be all that is ever done.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
17 Dec 10
I think you still should report it. Even if the authorities don't do anything more than make him register, well then, the rest of the world will know what he did. It may turn out that he has already done this to other people and they will come forward. If nothing else, him having to register will maybe prevent someone else from becoming a victim.
• United States
17 Dec 10
Well I agree with ya. I think she is not ready to face the backlash from her family. It will take her getting ticked off enough to do something i guess.
@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
17 Dec 10
Child abuse should never be kept a secret. Even though, your future wife is older now, she should still come forward. You do not want this man hurting other children, which could be the case. This is a secret that should not be kept. Please tell.
• United States
17 Dec 10
See I see that is the only thing that has to be done. Sarah feels like they wont do anything to him for it, so it would be useless to do.