Domestic Violence: How do you help someone on the other side of the World?

United States
December 20, 2010 8:48pm CST
Hi Everyone, Here is the situation. I have befriended someone who lives on the other side of the world. I live in the USA and she lives in Western Australia. She looks like she is in her early 20's and several months ago lost her baby boy. She lives with the baby's dad who is very emotionally abusive. This emotional abuse has done a lot of damage to her as a person. Her self esteem is not good. Now he has resorted to physical abuse. I am not sure how intense it is, but I am very concerned for her. She reaches out to facebook but at the same time isn't very sharing. I get the impression he is close by. He doesn't know about her facebook. She accesses it from her cell phone. I hope he doesn't look at her cell phone and she knows how to delete her cell phone history. Again, I feel she is in danger. She had posted photos of her late baby and her little family on facebook and she told me the other night, if the boyfriend found out she shared the pictures of the baby on facebook, he would kill her. This really terrifies me. I told her she needed to find a safe place to go and leave. She again was a afraid of him. I found a website of what I hoped were resources for her and "in-boxed" them to her. I know nothing about Australia, so I hope this link was helpful to her? I am just putting this out there. I know mylot has people from all over the world, so I thought maybe there might be additional resources or ideas. I am not sure this poor girl has the self esteem to leave, but at the same time I am afraid she will become a statistic, or just go through life feeling worthless... I am not sure what the answers are? Just thought I would put this out there in "mylot land" and see what ideas are thrown my way?
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1 response
• Canada
21 Dec 10
I would look up the number for her local police, and pay the long-distance to make a report of the physical abuse. Nothing might come of it, but I think that would be the best shot at actually helping.
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