How often do you buy your children toys?

@mermaidivy (15395)
United States
February 22, 2011 11:10am CST
I feel like I am spoiling my baby already When I go shopping, I always want to look for the toys for him even though he is not into toys yet. Do you get your kid toys often?
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16 responses
@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 11
Our son is very blessed as we didn't even buy him any toysAll were passed down to him & most of them are very new & good quality ones, a lot of them are branded but it's not like we're a brand conscious bunch but hey, he's got the bestWe'd rather save up for later when he's a bit bigger to buy him toys that he'll appreciate, maybe stuff like collector toys - Lego, Transformers, etc which will have higher value many years down the road, like the ones his dad has -- O, that's me, haha!~Yeah, I can share mine with him too, hehe!~
@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 11
Cool!~ Hahaha!~I'm sure your son will definitely love it
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
23 Feb 11
My husband's old toy are still there in the cellar and he likes trains, he can't wait to play with him!
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@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
22 Feb 11
Yes, I do buy my daughter toys every chance I get. She likes various toys, and so do I. Besides she does everything to deserve them, I mean she is a very good kid, not that I DEMAND something from her. Besides, when I see a toy I know she will like, I just can't resist and buy it. Sometimes, if I can afford it,I buy more than one. I know some people may say I'm spoiling my kid, but she'll be so small for so little time... She will grow up faster than I'd like to and very soon a day will come that she wouldn't play with toys anymore. Why not have the luxury of "spoiling her a bit..."
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
22 Feb 11
What parents don't spoil their kids?
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
22 Feb 11
Maybe the ones who think they have to be more "responsible" and lock their kids only with books and numbers and nothing else. I don't know, maybe I'm not right, but I don't think I will spoil my kid by buying her toys as long as she learns to share her possessions and to appreciate what we give her. And not to break them of course, which is... well, an Utopia. :)
@asiregar (864)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
6 Apr 11
every chance and there is money I always buy toys for my child, so happy and good future growth will also be future
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
6 Apr 11
haha you are nice mama!
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
6 Apr 11
I don't often buy my 4 year old boy a toy. I prefer to buy him a new book from a thrift store instead. If ever I buy him a new toy, it is usually not the expensive type since the day wouldn't end without him destroying it. Although I think it is his way of exploring it. But he usually make a mess when he starts playing. Good thing is he knows how to tidy up. He usually receives one on his birthday and on Christmas. He will be having a bicycle on his 5th birthday next month and he was just so excited when I told him about it.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
6 Apr 11
I like to get him toys that are on clearance or sales, I will wait, I don't get toys for him when it is new arrival.
• United States
23 Feb 11
i actually dont hvae a child because im only 17.. but i do hve younger brothers and sisters..., and i actually dont think your spoiling them by buying them toys.. it would be spoiling them if you buy them toys everyday.. but like 2 or 3 times per 2 weeks.. is not a huge deal.. honestly thats what i do.....
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
23 Feb 11
haha good sister! I like to do this to my sister when I have extra money.
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
everytime i went into malls i also can't help myself not to buy toys for my 4 year old son. but i know i'm not spoiling him because i don't give all his demands or wants. i see to it that i have explained to him why there are times i cannot buy all his wants..
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
23 Feb 11
• India
23 Feb 11
Oh yes!!! Like you, I too was into toys in a big way for my son till the age when he never understood what toys are. I used to buy anything and everything that caught my fancy. However, as he started growing and his demands increased proportionately, I put a brake on my buying spree. Right now, it’s a stage where he gets toys only as a special birthday gift or some festivals or occasions
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Yea... I think I need to slow down...
@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
22 Feb 11
Since I don't celebrate holidays or birthdays. I buy my son 1 or 2 toys a month. Some months their spendy toys and other months their cheap just depends how money is going to be spent that month. Even though I've done this for years my 6 year old knows when I say since we're going out of town this month I won't buy you anything in town, it will be in the town we going to visit. that way I save money. I live in a small but expensive town. so if we travel things are usually cheaper. My son is not totally spoiled when it comes to having new toys he knows what the word patience really means. He didn't freak out that last month I accidentally broke the Nintendo ds we share. I told him saving a month or two to buy a new one. he says ok. cause he knows I will do it and I can't afford to buy a new one yet.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
22 Feb 11
I think soon I will have to stop this until he knows he can get anything he wants...
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
22 Feb 11
i didnt buy them toys that often, just for birthdays and holidays or if i saw something at a thrift store that they might like. i didnt want them to be focused on possessions that much.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
22 Feb 11
yea... that's true, I will have to stop that soon before he knows better
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
i am not a spoiler. Money is hard over here and money is really really tight especially now that we are renting a house and paying bills and with kids in school. We rarely do buy them toys and if i would buy them , its either its their birthday or christmas or the time where we have bonuses..but i am glad with them because they do understand why we rarely buy them toys. The advantage with this is that they understand and they know the importance of money and they know that if they have a toy they have to take care of them well so it will last long. I know people might think it is harsh but on my part i am teaching them discipline as well as frugality which might come in handy with them in the future. They know how to save and keep money and where to put the money. My daughter would even ask for money but she knows it is now for toys but for food! In the end, their toys last, they know how to keep it well, and they know importance of money:)
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
23 Feb 11
That's true. Thanks for sharing.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 11
Hi, It is not a good habit to buy so many toys for our own kid. For me, I seldom or would say hardly buy toys for my son. Only sometimes,when I saw those toys not that expensive and he does not have before, then i will get for him. Some of the toys was present from his grandmother too. It is not good to keep buy toys for our kids,even if he himself demanded for it, we are not supposed to fulfill what he wants all the time, or else, it will be a habit that everytime when we are out, he must get a new toy. As long as he has some good toys at home to play around,then it is more than enough and I always make sure my son will keep his own toys after playing.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
22 Feb 11
Yea... I should be discipline myself first so I can teach him discipline
@pastigger (612)
• United States
22 Feb 11
My daughter is three now and yes she has a lot of toys. My husband gets mad at me sometimes. If there is something that she wants I try and get it for her. I have slowed down quite a bit. I tell her when she see somethings that she wants now that I can put it on her birthday or Christmas list. Luckily her birthday is in May so that is a pretty good timing. My husband doesn't like that she asks for so many things and I try to explain to him just cause she asks does not mean that she will get it. There is nothing wrong with her wanting things. It is nice to know that there are things that she would like that way I am not always guessing. The one thing she wanted for Christmas I would have never guess or even thought of. It was a Jessie doll from toy story and she still plays with it and Jessie sleeps with her every night. I agree that they will only be young for so long and then the toys go away. I use most of my online earnings for toys and gifts for her. I see it as a win win I can get her stuff and not have to break our budget. I am saving up for a Tangled movie set right now, we have moved on to movies now that opens up more things for me. Usually when we go to the store she likes to go look at the toys and she doesn't get things every time we go, in fact I don't buy her toys at the store very often. My husband never wants to let her look either and I explain that she just wants to look and she might say a few things that she would like but then we leave with no fussing and no meltdowns and no toys. She is however really starting to like the mail man as she know lots of fun things come in the mail!
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
22 Feb 11
Yea... I think I would have to stop doing that, I don't want him to learn that mama gives himanything that he wants. I think I would get the toys without having him known and put it away as a gift on birthday or Christmas.
@Jiabsa (511)
• India
23 Feb 11
I always choose toys according to my child's interest. If I select the toys which I like, she won't use it and she will start to cry for getting the one which she likes. So I always give prime importance to my child to select toys.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
23 Feb 11
How nice of you.
@wonder11 (56)
• India
22 Feb 11
The shops are full of attractions, can't help it I understand.Reserve them when the child learns to understand about toys.There will be no end to this.As the kid grows let it learn to improvise also, make imaginative toys out of other useless things, this will help the kid to think and wrack his/her brains.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
22 Feb 11
That's true.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
22 Feb 11
Last week my disabled toddler son had a hip operation so I bought him a present of a toy space shuttle. Today he went to a hospital further away and had a head scan for which he had to stay still for. I bought him some toy trains. I usually buy my children new toys for an event or when I see something really special.
• United States
22 Feb 11
When my children were very much younger, I was very bad at it...okay, so I still am, but I also learned to put half of the toys up and switch them out every 3 to 6 months, so it was new for them. Since they are older ( preteens ) , I will go ahead and buy, but I put it until their b'day or Christmas. Are my kids spoiled ? ...huh, that is a understatement, yes they are way to spoiled !!
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
22 Feb 11
hehe I know exactly what you are saying. Sometimes I tell myself it would be a Christmas gift or what what gift for you so you don't get anything on the day but I still end up buying him new things as gift hehe.