What do you want to achieve by studying?

@Rostow (59)
March 6, 2011 3:06pm CST
Are you the kind of person who studies because you don't know what else you want to do? Or, beecause you believe that it will improve later job prospects? Or, because it is compulsory because of your age? Or, because that is what your mates are doing? Or, because parents force you to study? What level of study are you at, and most importantly why are you continuing to study?
4 responses
• Philippines
18 Mar 11
I like studying, not for the reasons that you mentioned but because I love learning. Even though a subject or course for me is very easy or hard, I try to study it again to see a different perspective or to try new things. I am pretty much a studious person. I am very adept in it and people notice me because of that attributes. Though I have great knowledge due to my studies, I feel that it is not a great excuse to learn more things or help others who are having difficulty. Even though some people consider me as too old for school, I still attend because I want to study my many, many instersts. Somehow, I paid off since I did learn and meet and befirend new people.
• United States
7 Mar 11
I am being home schooled, so my mother forces me to study. Although sometimes on the sundays I just want to do some studying because there is nothing else to do. It really is weird. Mostly because I don't tend to do things more than twice, but I really like that I only have four days of school.
@Iram786 (498)
6 Mar 11
what do i want to achieve by studying? hm... to be honest, i absolutely hate studying and i don't even study very much. it isn't compulsory for my age but i know that if i want to earn (big) money then i will need to get a good job and in order to get a good job, i need a degree which can only be obtained if i go to university and i'll get accepted for university only if my grades are good. so yeah, i guess it all goes down to making money :) and of course my parents force me to study too :(. uh... i'm doing my scottish highers at the moment, fingers crossed i'll pass! how about you Rostow? and welcome to MyLot :)
@cebumd (65)
• Philippines
7 Mar 11
Studying for me is like getting weapons in a video game. I would like to be armed with "more advanced weapons" to help achieve my mission in my profession. Of course, it also will boost your credentials for promotions and possibly increase pay.