Love in the heart is one of the cures for Depression

@katie0 (5203)
March 21, 2011 2:23am CST
Of course that there are depressed people that have love but they somehow couldn't go through a happening in their lives, they can't move on because of the trauma, that's the main reason for depression. Yes, sure. But I think most of people had depression in a point of life, that meaning being sad more than days, more than months, that is depression. I've been there and obsessively tried to get out, know the causes, the cures, the tips, the advices. There's one thing I think that's the most important to one get over depression, wich is I know how sad a depressed person must be but two or three times a day: put your awarness out there. For a few moments a day, think about those who have an even worse life than yours. If you focus only in your pain it seems hudge, gigantic, if you know that everyone suffers, if you feel the compassion you grow. Love can expand you, love can cure anything. Not the man and woman love, that is silly, eveyone only concentrates in that. Take your time to sign a petition for your cause, who do you care about the children, the sick, the elderly, the animals, the green life?? Think about solutions, let that compassion cover your heart, get out from your pain everyday. We are loving beings more than human beings, we are meant to love, both to receive and one that people forgets: TO GIVE. To give will bring you even more than receiving. There are people saying they want to be loved, that's the lack of their own love for their selves. They can't ask someone else to give something they don't even bother to give to their own, it's against the law, it doesn't work like that it doesn't matter how much these people complain. Give love, carry, worry, feel for others. I realized that what I was once wasn't wrong. When I carry a lot for others I was happier, when I went too much inside of me, my self this, my self that, only I feel pain, oh my life was so hard, still is, then I was unhappy. I'm dealing, supporting and even praying for someone that never understood me but now is depressed, I don't care this person didn't support me, I don't wish depression even to my worst enemy, but I'll help. I can see so clear now this person is not carring, doesn't feel love, pitty or compassion for others. And this person is going down, more and more. Just wished to give this message today. I also heard, even though I didn't know the guy that this guy killed him self, as unhappy he was. I don't know him but I cried. I can only imagine how lonely and desperate he must have felt, and I want to do something for depression.
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4 responses
• Mexico
21 Mar 11
Hi katie: I absolutely agree with you. SOmetimes people just think about the reasons why they are feeling sad, how har is their lives and all the pain that they have. In some way we are being selfish and love: love to humanity, love to God is the key to stop going this tragic way. In order to recieve positive things from the world we also have to give, that's the way life works. Thanks for asking us this question. Have a nice day. ALVARO
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@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
22 Mar 11
Thank you so much. Back then I used to yet think about others but I was also angry because of imaturity and I couldn't understand people and the world, and with anger it's a little harder to love, soon we are suffering.
22 Mar 11
but the love itself can be painful all the sad songs you listen to is about the pain you have when you are in love
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
22 Mar 11
As someone who has had depression for over 17 years I know alot about it. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Mine is passed along genetically from my grandparents to my father and to me. When bad circumstances happen It can trigger a depressive episode. I have what is called chronic depression. It never really goes away but can be managed day to day. The only way to treat this kind of depression is a combination of counsilling by a professional and possibly medication. A lot of behaviour therapy is also helpful as well as skills development. Also lifeskills and support is important. Depression caused by a tramatic event is called post tramatic stress disorder. It is a little different. Unfortunately you can't solve someone else's depression. They have to help themselves. All you can do is be there for support and help them get the resources that they need.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
22 Mar 11
I like your post, katie. Quite positive and giving. Yes, many people get into depression. I was depressed myself last week after we broke up but my friends were there for me to make me realize that she doesn't deserve me anymore. I had kept giving her everything i could and if she didn't love herself then she is never going to be content with herself. I pray to God to make her stronger. I know i am strong and somehow i came out through this incident and God give her the courage to face this. She can't even meet eyes with me now. I feel bad for her, i never wanted to be over her, but i really loved her very much and now i don't have anything left for her because this decision about break up was hers and i was not given a proper reason. Someday she is going to realize that and if she is willing to talk to me i am going to listen to her. I have forgived her for what she did but i am not going to forget that, for all the love and support i gave her i am still willing to listen to her, but i doubt if she can get me back..! Anyways.. I was very depressed when she said she can not stay with me anymore now. My friends supported me.. And now i realize i have lots and lots of love left inside me and i am going to love my true love very much and i love my friends! There is simply so much love left in me that i thought disappeared after my break up, but there is.. A lot... God has always listened to me and he gives me the courage. Courage to love.
@jennyze (7029)
• Indonesia
22 Mar 11
You are wise. Yes, there are many people poorer than us, weaker than us, more unlucky than us, so we should not think that this world only consist of us. When we are depressed it is always refreshing to say to ourselves that: I live I have two hands and two legs (not disabled) I have some food I have a roof to stay I have a mean of transportation for me to mobile I have a good education I have some money to buy food for the needy I have good parent I have good family I have good friends