Is Anger beneficial?

United States
March 23, 2011 2:47pm CST
Some of us believe that anger is necessary and helps to get desired results or teaches a lesson. Do you think that an angry reaction helps a situation?-
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12 responses
• United States
23 Mar 11
Anger consumes every ounce of energy and I find that although it can be a release, it does also add to frustration.
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• Mexico
24 Mar 11
Hi hard working gurl: I know what you mean. When I get anger I finish my day feeling really tired, usually with a big headache and frustrated because I have to fqace the problem that makes me feel angry. ALVARO
• Philippines
25 Mar 11
I totally agree with you guys. When I'm angry about something, I usually end up with a headache or even a migraine and I would have to take pain relievers thereafter. Sometimes, I would end up reflecting on what I said and if I did the right thing.
@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
31 Mar 11
In my opinion anger is not at all good, not beneficial, what ever we do in anger might be harmful not only for others but to self only.. I always try to keep my mind cool and anger under control.. Thanks for sharing, are you Indian? Happy posting, cheers. Namastey. Kalyani
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
28 Mar 11
I don't see any benefit being angry. This will lead to people became harsh and sometimes lead to harm someone... Angry reaction did not help any situation that really mean of trouble. We need a diplomatic talk to someone else that conducted any criminal intent to fellow...
• India
31 Mar 11
No it is never beneficial, whatever steps we take in anger, most prove out to be wrong later, as human we do get angry lol, but better to keep mind cool Thanks for this discussion Welcome to mylot Cheers. God bless you, have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. .
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
25 Mar 11
Yes, I always thought it was something that I could never take advantage of and something I just needed to change and get rid of. Until I find out that not deciding what to do, but just acting using the anger energy we be fearless! To decide we have always to be calm, we always make a stupid decision angry believe me, all my decisions that I was mad was terrible! But to do something we are afraid and that we leave to finish tomorrow, do it when you are mad! And it's great cause we don't hurt no one in this!
• China
30 Mar 11
i think angry is very necessary ,if you have a bad mood and don't unburden your feelings ,that will be harmful for your health.but we have to know everything mast degree!anger also palys a powerful and arguably positive role in the workplace ,anger is beneficial because it increses people's snese of control.comeenets lerner,which also has looked at this aspect of the phenomenon.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
23 Mar 11
Anger I don't think solves a lot of problems, probably makes some situations worse as we tend to say things later we regret but I think sometimes it does release something within us that is better not bottled up. Just apart of human natre I think.
• Mexico
24 Mar 11
Hi Iakshmi: I think it could be healthy if you liberate your anger in a possitive way like for example painting. When I am feeling angry I do some exercise, I paint or write. Art is a good way people can liberate its anger. But if we liberate it with violence it's not good at all. ALVARO
• China
24 Mar 11
In my opinion anger is not beneficial. As anger couldn't be the solution of any problem.Moreover it's bad for own health.Anger can lead to hyper and heart and brain problem. But if we calm down then we can solve the problem very easily.And solution any big problem when we do calm down and it's doesn't become more long. Good luck!
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
23 Mar 11
Well usually being angry will cloud your judgement and make you say something dumb or do something you will regret.So usually anger isnt to good most of the time but sometimes its good like when standing up for your rights or something.
• Philippines
23 Mar 11
Not necessarily. Anger may lead to wrong judgement, may hurt someone and may not help us give a fair decision on the matter. Be calm, rest for awhile and discuss something when your emotions are stable already. We don't want to say something we would regret in the first place.
@Joeyfish (239)
• United States
24 Mar 11
Anger is good for a couple of reasons. It shows people that you are serious, and you are upset. So they tend to pay attention more. Also I find when people are angry, they speak from their heart more. That's why they always have to apologize after, because they let something slip that they would have rather kept inside. Its also healthy to experience different emotions over a period of time.