Stay at home mum

United States
April 16, 2011 3:20pm CST
I'm a new stay at home mum, with my 6 month old son. Who else stayes at home? DO you make money from home? If you do what do you do?
4 responses
• United States
17 Apr 11
I'm a stay at home single mom and i do work from home doing call center work. I have been searching out non phone jobs as well. If i could find 1 good non phone job i would probably give up the little piddly money makers.
• United States
18 Apr 11
Yes, thats one thing I can't do while at home with my son is call center tyupe work as my son is too noisey and requires so much attention from me. I would love something thats like email work. That I would be able to do.
@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
17 Apr 11
I am stay at home mum for seven years now, I do not make money or anything, just receiving allotment from my hubby. I want to put up small business but circumstances hindrance me to start with. Maybe I need a year or two more for the business I interested into.
• United States
17 Apr 11
I have too been thinking about a small buisness to start but I can't think of anything thats going to work with very little start up.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
16 Apr 11
I stayed at home most of the time. Only in the morning until lunch hour I am working at other parts of the city. I also make money at home from mylot and other sites as well.
• United States
17 Apr 11
What other sites are you making money from? I'm very intrested. I have been trying so many things for a few years now and nothing is pay off.
• United States
16 Apr 11
I'm not exactly a stay at home mom, but I have a disabled Brother and a Father with Cancer so like you in a way I do stay at home to help out and try to take care of things. I'm 28 years old, I have been doing Get Paid Programs and eBay for the last Decade. Before the economy really took a nose dive I was making EXCELLENT money on eBay, Unfortunately like everything in life that took a big change. I do MyLot because I enjoy writing, It has nothing to do with the money OBVIOUSLY! Right Now, I focus my time on eBay just not near as much and put a nice chunk of my time into 1 Get Paid Website, So Far I have almost received 50 Amazon Gift Certificates from them in a little over 2.5 months. Not to mention I enjoy doing the site as well, I get the Gift Certificates and sell them on eBay and they sell like hot cakes. If you ever have any questions, Like I said Ive been doing this for over a decade, If you wanted help I could steer you in the right direction. My next move is to get away from eBay and start up my own website which I will be doing soon. Be careful with the get paid sites LOTS of them are scams and as always if it sounds too good to be true it usually is. -Larry
• United States
17 Apr 11
Thats a really good thing your doing for your brother and father. It must be hard. Besides selling the gift cards on ebay how else do you make money on there? Whats the site you are earning the gift cards from?