The best place to go for information regarding the Yankees

April 17, 2011 11:09am CST
For all of you Yankees fanatics, I have found the goldmine! is the best blog to go to when you need information regarding the Yankees. She has detailed information to help you understand, relate and fall in love with her work.They are all very well written, easy to understand, and typically written about the current affairs in the baseball world. She never misses a beat and there are many different blog posts for you to read. Whether you are behind on the game or to caught up in work to read the papers this is where you need to be. Why waste time searching the internet for those game scores, or information regarding that player that was injured. LadyLovesPinstripes covers it all! She does not hesitate to give you information. It is full of it. It is a wonderful dream for you Yankees fans! Go ahead and check it out!
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