WOW inventions

@cadguy08 (1224)
April 25, 2011 9:07am CST
This is awesome invention which will help a lot of people who suffer from not walking, I wish someone can invent the cure for all sickness such as High Blood Pressure (in my mind to flush the blood with new ones and by flush it, it will remove clogging arteries. Cancer cure I wish someone can remove cancer agent extracted all the bad growing cancer in body. Here's the websites inn Yahoo take a look :
1 response
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
25 Apr 11
With gene therapy and other new medical inventions these things might be right around the corner for us. There may soon be a cure to everything. but that still wont solve all of our problems.
@cadguy08 (1224)
• Canada
26 Apr 11
I know what you mean we always have some problems everyday and Medical break thru is what we want. I hope there's a cure for all the sickness and disease that human being are getting. It's been a long time that Cancer is around since I was a kid I never heard any improvement of finding the cure? And also High Blood Pressure which is a common to all ages and kills right away when strike on us.