Interesting cricket!

May 2, 2011 9:01am CST
Hi folks happy to be here with mylot family! Guys lets express ur ideas that what can made the cricket more interesting! Give ur innovative and funny ideas! :-)
1 response
• India
2 May 11
[b]Hi Arun! I think cricket is already very much interesting game in its own but still i think that the a lot can make over can be done over cricket but it may ruin the fun of watching cricket and the main adventure in it.. Still for a thought i think it will be great if game get even more short and complex so that player have to score maximum at least we people get a chance to watch the rain of fours and six in the ground because sometime slow cricket made us very bore and cricket sound uninteresting and now a days cricket is getting over and over it will also be better if the cricket get less or once a year so that interest will not loose Well that is my opinion..
• Poland
2 May 11
Ya u r right dude!