The Anunnaki: our alien ancestors from Planet Nibiru

May 3, 2011 9:17pm CST
I read 3 of Zecharia Sitchin's books many years ago: The 12th Planet, Genesis Revisited and The Wars of Gods and Men. I was shocked. It turned my life outside down. I said to myself, "I love Star Trek". But what if life turns out to be a real Star Trek, would you be happy or a bit scared? Here in a nutshell is what Sitchin is talking about. I don't need to read all his books. I just needed 3 of them and I understood. The Ancient Sumerians was the first civilization on Earth. They were here long before the Egyptian, Greek and Roman Empires, around 6,000 years ago. They wrote on their stone tablets (most of which are now in the British Museum) a very interesting fact: The existence of The Anunnaki, the ancestors of all of us here on Earth. They were tall handsome and beautiful people who lived long lives. The Sumerian King Lists state that the Kings of long ago ruled the land for 10,000 years, some 20,000 years or 30,000 years. The Anunnaki came to earth 445,000 years ago. They came from the Planet Nibiru, a giant red planet that passes between Mars and Jupiter every 3,600 years. The Assembly of The Great Anunnaki (The Council of 12) created man in their own image around 300,000 years ago in Africa, by mixing the genes of the Anunnaki and the genes of an Earth Ape. The Anunnaki created man to be their workers, their servants. But eventually, the earthlings became independent and governed the cities. The Anunnaki are the real life counterparts of the Sumerian Gods, The Gods of Egypt, The Greek Gods and The Roman Gods. Thus, mythology is not really fictitious. They're just exaggerated stories of the Anunnaki. I did a little research and found that indeed the Gods of these civilizations are the same. The Former king of The Gods is Anu, but he was already retired, leaving Earth under the Command of Enlil, now King of the Gods. Enlil, is a Disciplinarian, the one whose voice is like Thunder. He is Zeus in Greek and Jupiter in Rome. His brother in Sumerian mythology is Enki, the water bearer. What a coincidence, Poseidon is Zeu's brother. Enki and Enlil loved the same woman, Ninhursag, the Queen of the Gods, who is, you guessed it, Hera in Greek. That's not a coincidence according to Sitchin. The Anunnaki allegedly built the Great Pyramids of Egypt around 14,000 years ago, before the Great Flood. Their spaceport was near the Sinai Peninsula and they lived in palaces near the mountains, just like their Greek counterparts. Interestingly enough, on planet Mars, near the Face on Mars and Mount Olympus Mons, are Giant Pyramids and what looks like the remains of an ancient spaceport. Who built those? :) Anyway, The Anunnaki left the Earth during the Greek and Roman eras, content that the Earthlings (descendants) can now govern themselves. And someday they might return. Since one year to an Anunnaki is 3,600 years, then according to them, it seems they just left Earth a few months ago. There are speculations and fears all over the internet that the Anunnaki people or Planet Nibiru (Planet X according to NASA) might return in Dec 2012! Sitchin said in an interview that that's not exactly true. Not exactly true? Meaning, someday, it will become true! And it seems that the Anunnaki are not the only aliens who have visited Earth. Huh? There are more? What is this? The United Nations of Aliens? The Star Trek Federation? First, there are The Greys, the little bald ones depicted in Hollywood films. According to Betty and Barney Hill, they come from Zeta Reticuli, 39 light years away. The Greys were the ones who crash landed at Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. Then there are the Nommos from Sirius B, according to the Dogon tribe of Africa. These Nommos resemble Mermen and Mermaids and they visited earth a long time ago. Obviously, this is the origin of folklore and the story of Atlantis. Interestingly, Sitchin mentioned that people resembling fishes are found in Sumerian writings. He said those are the Anunnaki wearing costumes when they dive into the oceans. However, Sitchin could be mistaken, because now it seems, there's another alien race living alongside the Anunnaki. And this makes the Dogon story more credible. Then there are The Dropas, those yellow-skinned aliens which crash landed somewhere in China 13,000 years ago. Are the Dropas the ancestors of the Chinese, the Japanese and the Koreans? What about those reptilians I heard about? Surely they're not like the Anunnaki humans or the Greys or the Nommos. Okay so now life is beginning to become like a Star Trek, if Sitchin's theory is true. You mean, there are Cardassians, Klingons, Borgs and Kryptonians out there? haha But that's not funny, because to an Anunnaki, we Earthling are primitive, thousands of years behind them. Maybe they're just hovering above earth's orbit, waiting to visit the United Nations and make their grand surprise entrance. They know how warfreak Earthlings are with our Hydrogen Bombs, Atomic Bombs and Weapons of Mass Destruction. And maybe the Anunnaki don't want a war against us. They just want us to take them to our Leaders :) One more time, "Take me to your leader!"
2 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
2 Jul 11
First, Sitchin was wrong in his translations, very very wrong. This was either because of a lack of understanding of the Sumerian language, or intentionally to sensationalize things and sell books. I won't go in to detail here but there is plenty of info out there explaining where he went wrong in his translation efforts (or where he embellished them) and in his interpretations of artifacts he studied. Now, and this is more important, the planet he described does not and can not exist. A planet that size would be seen by every astronomer in the world with a half decent telescope, and there are a lot of them. And before anyone tries telling me that "they" are involved in a "cover up", realize there are literally hundreds of thousands of amateur astronomers in the world, many with sophisticated gear that rivals any observatory or university facility. And these guys know their stuff inside and out. In fact, many major astronomical discoveries are made by amateurs. It would be seen, you couldn't miss it. In fact, if it were where it is purported to be, it would be a naked eye object. And so far, not one astronomer has come forwards and said "hey, I found a new planet out there in a weird orbit and it's huge!" Further more, a planet that size, on that kind of orbit at that speed, would be traveling at escape velocity and be ejected from the solar system on it's first pass through. It couldn't be held by the suns gravity. This would defy every law of celestial mechanics. I read the whole series years ago. While Sitchin weaves a remarkably interesting story, it is only one of science fiction.
• Netherlands
4 May 11
Hi warriorx, I love what you have written about this toppic. Yeah for me Iam also exploring about this history about a year now and could not believe it and don't know what to believe. First because iam an hindu form religion. And I was also thinking about it what now and was confused. From all the stories I have read, I think we can not predict the future and I think maybe its al true all of the stories. But very confusing. I do not understand evrything and ask myself why are thet hiding so much information from the people. It makes me angry. Yesterday I was on a visit and heard a boy about this toppic. He said that he new a boy that was locked up in a mental hospital for a few weeks. He spoke about a few people who where telling him about this toppic and also about timetraveling. So I thought if you say this out loud here, you are picked up by the government and labled as mental ill. What can you do about this, how must you handle this kind information?